Do you use special rituals, etc before starting a reading?

Dancing Voice


I read for clients on a daily basis and I have a set ritual before I even take my deck/decks out of their boxes. I always keep quartz on top of my decks when they are not in use, and I do this between every new reading. When I finish my readings for the day, the deck/decks are then placed in a box which I keep specifically for my decks.

Before I touch my decks I make sure that my hands are washed and clean and then I anoint my wrists with good blessings oil. I find this keeps me focused and seems to work well for the drawing of the cards in any reading I am doing. At the end of a reading, I shake my hands to release any energy, shuffle the deck and then replace the crystals on top. It's then a process of repeating with every new reading.

It's a ritual I have used for so many years and one that seems to work well for me.

Dan :)


What I do is purely inside my head. I focus on the querent. If they are physically present I ask them out loud if they want a reading and curiously once they say 'yes' it seems to draw them into it better. If they are not present in my mind I ask them. Somehow this focuses me very well.


i have only one and it is more a rule than a ritual.
Always wash my hands before touching a deck.
Nothing worse then greasy fingerprints on a card.


I lie to light a candle, I feel it energises me. I make sure I can read, if I'm in the right stae of mind, I put some soothing music low in the background (Adiemus is always good!). When the querent shuffles, I imagine his spirit entering the cards. Maybe it in my imagination, but I find it calms me further, so it has use.
Then I read.

Amazing how people develop and change. This post was written over ten years ago and I guess that was my state of mind at the time. Since then I've come to realize that I don't need any of that. I just shuffle, fan and roll with it. Indeed, since I've carried the same deck in my bag since then and have certainly had many adventures, reading "in the field" anywhere means you're not in any position to do any kind of ritual.

Also I've found that people respond better to a more laid back approach. In many cases they're about to open their hearts to you, no sense in spooking them even further.


Also I've found that people respond better to a more laid back approach. In many cases they're about to open their hearts to you, no sense in spooking them even further.

Exactly. The cards work no matter what you do, I find. And while I like to set up a pretty table, I am absolutely not interested in freaking people out by leading little meditations on "protection" or any of the other stuff that goes on: people won't feel protected, they'll just start wondering for "Why? What do I need protecting from?" when it hadn't been an issue for them before. :)


Come to think of it....I do different things with different decks too. Hmmm, I wonder why that is. I don't "respect" some decks more than others. I don't believe different spirits are attached to different decks (though I do believe in guides, so maybe it's out of respect for them and their preference of what I do) It's something to ponder. Perhaps it has to do with when I began using that particular deck.


I like to have symbols of the four elements surrounding my reading: a small bowl of water, a candle, incense, and a crystal. I certainly don't "need" these, but I enjoy using them. I mostly read for myself, and carving some time out of the day for some personal tarot time is reason enough to indulge in a few rituals!


I wash my hands...take some relaxing breaths while I'm shuffling....

Marcus R

I like to have something on the table to lay the cards on, I have black felt at home. Outside of home I just have to go with the surface supplied, which bothers me sometimes. I have my eyes on some delightful Tarot wraps that would suit me perfectly.

After the shuffle, I like to hold the cards for a few seconds, exhale (quietly), pause and start laying the spread. Strangely, after laying the spread, I find that I rub thumb and index finger of either hand together, while considering the spread, don't know why, have never done it in any other circumstances.