Learning Tarot


Each Court card above the Page/Knave/Princess covers three Decans of the Zodiac, and the Knaves cover nine. Add to this the elemental associations, and you almost get information overload.

However, many readers protest: "I don't do it that way; I go by intuition."


I agree. I think intuition with the Courts is like imagining stuff about a person without ever meeting them. The Courts seem to be problematic mainly because their personalities are so complex and multi-faceted. They're like real people with many different sides to their personalities. Once you get into the "information overload" you speak of they're actually really fun to work with. Plus, although there are only sixteen, they're still powerful tools to understand people in general. Disclosure, I'm studying the Courts myself right now, so that explains my enthusiasm about them.


Each Court card above the Page/Knave/Princess covers three Decans of the Zodiac, and the Knaves cover nine. Add to this the elemental associations, and you almost get information overload.

However, many readers protest: "I don't do it that way; I go by intuition."


Thanks! I missed this information. I believe most people are talking about intuition (yes, me too in this case), but I'm always ready for good old reading ;)


.....It's not always - as the saying goes - "as easy as falling off a log" (and where does that strange expression come from?), but it always comes......
My son and I used to do a lot of hiking in the mountains. Sometimes there were log bridges to cross, a single log over a stream. If you look down to the stream flowing underneath while walking across the log, your equilibrium can get confused, and into the drink you go. I would always tell my son not to look down, so naturally he would look down, and SPLASH! I don't know if that's the origin, but it can be very hard to stay on a log, but easy to fall off it.



I'm still in the newb stages myself, so take my advice with that in mind: Study everyday. Even if it's only 15 mins. 15 minutes each day will do more for you than an hour 1-2 times a week. If you have a serious love/interest/draw for and toward the Tarot, then don't give up.


I am still really stumbling with the courts, but last weekend learn about putting myself in the card, pretending I am the card, what I would say to the querant. It really started to make a bit more sense. Maybe you could try that exercise.


Thanks for all the replies. I am sorry I haven't been responsive this last week. I have a non-verbal autistic 4 year old and this last week has been... Challenging to say the least.

I do try to study the tarot at least a little bit a day, and the minors and majors have come a long way so I am about to switch to focusing on the courts in particular. I love them, don't get me wrong... They have kind of become a puzzle to me, and I am just stumbling on the solution. Lol

The log analogy made sense! That is totally how I feel. Lol

And I will definitely try that exercise about putting myself into that card and advising as that card would, or might do. That may help. I had never thought of that. I do think they are starting to turn around for me, at least as far as the knights go. They seem to be the ones I have the easiest time discerning. Pages would be second, if I had to pick one. Lol. The kings and queens confound me though, so I think I shall try that exercise on them first!

Thanks for the help, insight, and words of inspiration and encouragement. It really means a lot you guys!!!! Big hugs all around!!!!! ;)

Chimera Dust

I'm sure there's a lot of educational value in learning complicated things and going through with tasks that you find boring, but if it's only going to unmotivate you when you've barely started, where's the point in that? ;)

Learning about astrological associations even if it's not something you enjoy can be great for expanding your horizons... later. For now, if that's something you can't wrap your head around because it's not a part of your belief system, or because you're bored, or even because you're finding it too complicated, there's no harm in saving it for later. I'd focus on the basics instead. Once you have a more solid knowledge of those, it'll also be easier to expand on it and apply it to new perspectives.

Likewise, if you find "one card a day" exercises boring, you don't have to do them right now. You can try to use simple spreads. I wouldn't recommend trying to read about major life events at this stage, but something like simple personality spreads or spreads about every day things are a good idea.

As to court cards, specifically, you can read the overview in Aeclectic's card meanings page or any similar guide for beginners, and then try to cross that with the card's position in a spread. They're tricky cards to use because the descriptions are very much based on people, but sometimes you can apply that concept to things like objects. What does that card mean? What does it mean to you? What seems to be the general idea behind the card? How could that idea apply to the context at hand? Remember, if you have any trouble with this, you can always post here on the forums and ask for advice. ;)


It helps to take them out of the deck and lay them out in a square, in rows and columns. Then you can get a better feeling for their qualities. There is a Page, Knight, Queen, King energy, and it's specific. And there is an energy quality to every suit.

If you like Jung, read a bit about the basic functions of the human mind, thinking, feeling, sensing, intuition. Maybe take a Myers-Briggs test and read a bit about the different types. How can these functions manifest themselves at different stages of life, in passive or active, introvert or extrovert persons?

Imagine the court cards meeting and interacting. what would a page of cups and a queen of wands talk about? Which of them would be YOU?

There are some books about court cards, and websites, too, and discussions here on the boards. Read it. You don't have to memorize it. What you once read and understood is still stored somewhere in your brain, even if you are not aware of it, and it can help you.

After a while, you get a better grip. Listen to your intuition when you see a court card. How does its energy manifest at this specific position in a specific spread? Is it a person, an aspect of yourself, or a feeling or mood? Your first idea may have been right.


I have tried to take a step back from the courts for a little while and not stress them so much when they co e up in readings. It has helped. Itnk I just overloaded my brain with the possibilities and it caused a huge block. Slowly I am getting a feel for them, though I do kind of find them to be a pain, it isnt as bad anymore. Thanks everyone for the help, advice, and words of encouragement. I think I just needed to take a step back and stop thinking so much. ;) It is a habit I am working on breaking (overwhelming myself, that is. It happens a lot in general, not just with the tarot court cards;) )

Pam O

How do you know you are stumbling ? Maybe that confusion or whatever you feel is part of the message... :)
I have found that when I find myself stumbling, it is definitely part of the reading. It is saying that either the sitter is scattered, ungrounded, not focused, or it is me that needs to get centered, focused, confident, etc.

I loved the falling off a log story. I too backpacked, and it is very easy to fall off when the log is wet and slippery, or when you take your eye off the log. That just reminded me of taking your eye off the ball, and a really easy catch is missed!
I am still really stumbling with the courts, but last weekend learn about putting myself in the card, pretending I am the card, what I would say to the querant. It really started to make a bit more sense. Maybe you could try that exercise.
Karrma taught me this in our reading circle exchange in April. ;) I had pulled all court cards, and all one suit for the whole spread!

Karrma, I was going to post your suggestion, then I got to your post. :) It is a fabulous angle.

Imagine the court cards meeting and interacting. what would a page of cups and a queen of wands talk about? Which of them would be YOU?
Also, do remember that one card can have many meanings!

So this can be another great angle. You can always try a variety on a single reading. You might pretend you are the card giving advice. Next you might step out and see what advice that card would give you about the situation. Also, that other suggestion to ask the court if the represent a person is really creative? Often I ask cards questions, then blank my mind to get Ego out of the way.

An aside:
there was a Reading Circle spread where we were all to pull one card, then read it 3 times. I remember one of the positions being Advice, so maybe it was: Situation, Block, Advice
Oh, actually, I just remembered the Block. The belt looked way too tight on the card, and it seemed to be constricting that Queen. I also remember, the querant said the reading was super accurate. I had never read one card 3 times for 3 positions before that. And just the other day, I was doing a little reading at one of the games here at AT where feedback is required, and I was inspired to do a Past, Present, Probable Future on one card. That too got great feedback.

Reading Circles, and other readings for feedback are a great way to give yourself a quantum leap in your reading skills. I wish I had realized that back when I first joined AT. I was kind of chicken, and I did not know about the Newbie Reading Circle here....