Domestic abuse cards


Sorry, caridwen, if my comment sounded flip - it wasn't meant to be. I was just thinking out loud. I shoot my mouth off sometimes without thinking. :p

I realised that this thread is triggering me.

I had to sit through a meeting with a Domestic Abuse Refuge yesterday and it really upset me.

I think I'm going to move away from the thread:D


I am overwhelmed by the responses on this thread. I was going to try to reply to them individually but it seemed to get away from me! Being rather new here, I hope I am not in violation with the Mods. If I am I do apologize.

Again- WOW! I am overwhelmed by the responses here. I see many of the cards mentioned as showing domestic abuse.

The Devil- bondage, cant break free, addiction- The abusee being addicted to the cycles!

5 of pents- feeling isolated for sure!
5 of swords - feeling defeated- unable to attack...

I want to go back through the thread and read them all again. I will but seeing as how I am trying to break free from this type of relationship... I was wondering what the cards were really saying to me-
Like how could the cards show domestic abuse- that has not gotten physical yet.

I received...
All of the cards mentioned..
(cards removed by Moderator)

For the one that is in the cycle of abuse- the abusee lets say - loves and hates their abuser equally. Feels they cant survive without them! Comes to be dependent upon the cycle as well as the abuser!
just some insight I just had. I dont know though... maybe thats a stretch!

Again, I will continue to read through all of the wonderful posts you guys have made!
Thank you all for participating in this thread!


I realised that this thread is triggering me.

I had to sit through a meeting with a Domestic Abuse Refuge yesterday and it really upset me.

I think I'm going to move away from the thread:D
I hope you come back to the thread. :) Only if you're up for it, though. :hugs:


I realised that this thread is triggering me.

I had to sit through a meeting with a Domestic Abuse Refuge yesterday and it really upset me.

I think I'm going to move away from the thread:D

Likewise! I really enjoyed your insights and your sharing!


Originally Posted by caridwen
I realised that this thread is triggering me.

I had to sit through a meeting with a Domestic Abuse Refuge yesterday and it really upset me.

I think I'm going to move away from the thread

Likewise! I really enjoyed your insights and your sharing!

ditto. I have to agree.

and, Simone, I hope that you are not finding yourself in such a relationship. If so, I hope you can get some help immediately and get out of that.


I have always looked on the 6 of Swords as 'Flight from Abuse.'


I had previously posted a response... but it is currently being edited by the Mods. Thank you Mods!

I will take some time to go back through the responses and try to respond to them all as best as I can maybe take it a few at a time as you all have had and shared marvelous insights. I will be on it!
Thanks for your patience!


Moderator Note

I had previously posted a response... but it is currently being edited by the Mods. Thank you Mods!
Edited post has been returned to view. See post 22.


9 of wands - battered and bruised, constantly on guard.
4 of wands and/or 10 of cups - sets the scene as domestic and family based.
Tower - holds both the idea of the home and things building up to explosion point.


I think for some of these cards it'd be reversed (reversed emperor and empress, for example).