tarot architects


I know there have to be many books on Crowley, Case, Rider, Waite etc. i.e. the old school architects of tarot and the old schools themselves i.e. GD etc. I'm looking for historical perspectives to go along with the ideological perspective. Would members of this community be so kind as to suggest some good titles and their publishing houses? Being directed to especially good reads or must reads will be tremendously appreciated.

I'm a weirdo. Just as I am not enthralled by my digital camera which caused me to revert to a medium format film camera which requires great deliberation, so am I not pleased with with the modern adobe photoshop decks and want to go backwards in time to a more historical tarot. That's not a slam to people who like the ultramod decks, but I just can't hook in to them. I feel I need to pursue some historical deliberation at this point.

Lee aka mzoltarp


Not sure exactly what you're after... by 'old school architects', do you mean schools that have influenced the GD and its derivatives (such as E. Levi, Papus, De Gebellin and others), or do you mean historically oriented books about these various individuals?

Of course, one of the recent first port of call is now Dummett & al.


im looking for both



mzoltarp said:
I'm looking for historical perspectives to go
along with the ideological perspective.
Begin with once upon a time, and read up to happily ever after.


Gee thanks for the help


Personally, and apart from reading various threads (and beginning some) in the History section, I would suggest reading both more recent volumes by Dummett & al.: his A Wicked Pack of Cards (written with Decker and DePaulis), and perhaps for your purposes more importantly his (with Decker) History of the Occult Tarot: 1870-1970.

Reading through De Gebellin and E. Levi also gives some strong sense as to whence some of the influences arise and twist.

But, again, I would suggest, for more historical leanings, to begin with the Dummett & al. volumes mentioned.


Thanks jmd


Keep in mind, however, that Dummett and Decker
are openly hostile and overall fatalistically cynical.


Perhaps I should have been a bit more clear when I started this thread--I thought I was--but apparently not. For example, if I do a search of AE Waite, a truckload of books comes up attribured to him. Some of the titles I can tell that I have no interest in at this time, while others seem interesting. So let's say there are 10 titles, aside from going at random, I was hoping for specific titles of books that people here would say "that is a must read."


The Tarot An Essay by Manly P. Hall

ISBN 0-89314-382-0