10 cups/ Judgement


After asking the cards how somebody felt because I could not be at a function I was stumped by the 10 cups. To me this card is fulfilment, happiness, families etc....I threw also the judgement not to clarify but to add more information to how they were feeling. After perusing threads from here and other sites my only interpretation was that they felt joyous that I wasn't there and everything has come to an end and they are feeling renewed...is the another way I could interprate this???


I would interpret it as: They didn't let your absence sour their day. There were lots of other people there they felt close to, so they enjoyed the gathering. Judgment tells me there are no bad feelings towards you; the card can mean forgiveness, so - they've forgiven you for not being there :)

Hope that helps


Or maybe they felt part of the "family" was missing when you didn't show up and the function wasn't all it could have been had you been there.


If it was a big party, i'd got for Tigerlily's interpretation. They may have noticed you were missing but the party was so big and wonderful and full of family that they forgave you.

If it was a small, intimate party, I'd go for Starry's :D