1 card-main achievement of 2015???


Hi all,
I did a new years reading last night. 12 cards using the visconti-sforza golden tarot. A confusing reading but the most confusing is card 10 - 10 of cups rx. It is supposed to symbolize my acheivments in the new year(2015 -.-)
How can this card be an acheivment??

My interpretation is that by having things go horribly wrong will turn out in my favor...some how...0.o

Please help!


Maybe 10 of Cups Rx as "achievement" means: letting go of unrealistic expectations, impossible standards, perfectionism.


That would makes sense because I can't really move forward if I am always waiting to be perfect. If I acheive letting go of perfectionism thats a pretty good accomplishment. :)

Tarot Wisdom

Perhaps it could also indicate that it is possible to achieve the "10 of Cups" situation, but only if you are willing to do your part of work for it, instead of taking it as guaranteed. That it is necessary to cultivate relationships and to strive towards the best result.


That would make sense because 'home' and 'roots' come up in my readings a lot as articles. I think perhaps building a base with be a great challenge for me. I don't know about flipping it though...your saying the 10 rx coming as my acheivment would be to flip the meaning but if it meant 10 of cups as my acheivment wouldn't it have just been face up?
Confusion ~.~
Thanks for the advice ^^

Tarot Wisdom

Hi again,
I meant the 10 of Cups still has a positive meaning, although it is reversed. The reason why it is reversed is, that it needs much of your own commitment to achieve it.