10 cups


how do you see the 10 cups in a negative way? is it, that there is no room for development because everything achievable has already been achieved?

im interested in hearing your opinions.



In an negative way... I have learned from Jean Freer's book that the 10th represent a structure that needs more energy to maintain it than it provides.
(I am sorry, my English is awkward.)

So I read the tens as an unchanging, petrified, stiff structure. Sometimes that's necessary, but it's not healthy in the long run.
No room for development indeed. I think this often happens because something that worked fine and was once very good is not allowed to change. You know, when something is wonderful we tend to cling to it, not allowing change. So the waters of the cups might become brackish and stale.


thanks a lot! and your english is good :) im a non-native speaker as well, weisst du :)

Honda Civic

I, too, have been seeing the 10s as a kind of overload, at least when I see it negatively.

For the 10 of coins in the RWS, I always notice how crowded the card is with material objects, prestige, family, pleasure. I also notice how frustrated the old man looks... none of his achievements seem make him happy. Like vetch said, it's stuffy and stagnant.


For the 10 of coins in the RWS, I always notice how crowded the card is with material objects, prestige, family, pleasure. I also notice how frustrated the old man looks... none of his achievements seem make him happy.

This spawns another train of thought... so the tens are the element at its total peak, and only this element. The old man has everything money can buy, all material pleasure, but he can't take it with him when he dies, and it's not enough.
So ... maybe .. the 10 cups are all happiness and sweetness - no brain, no pain - and this is not enough.
Ten swords - only clear cold thought, Not warmth, no comfort, not enough.
Ten wands - ambition is killing him. Not enough.

The highest number of the pips, and never enough.


Sort of like that, but 10's seem to be cycles of completion... you can't stay where you are, but have to move on to something else. IT can also signify that you feel complete too.

So with cups it could be you've gotten everything out of it you can and there's nothing left... to move on or take it to another level.

It can be negative or positive depending on how you feel about it. I could see it as the "empty nest" when the kids have all grown up and moved out and it's not that same happy family unit any longer. It could mean you are the kid that needs to leave the nest and become the Page/Knight of Cups.

It can sometimes be either the end of a relationship or the end of a stage IN a relationship, it's reached the point of no return... and has to do something.


It can be illusory like the rainbow in the sky. As well, it can't last forever and as cups doesn't have the permanence as say 10 of pents does.


clarity, do you say this because of its water-aspects?


The 10 of Cups can mean a relationship has gone as far as it's going to go. I think it can mean that the relationship is at the point where one or the other of the parties is vulnerable to having an affair because they have it all but it's still not enough for them emotionally or sexually. If the 10 of Pentacles is also a part of the spread, then I'd think it points to that even more because one or both of the people has found that money, security and family life just aren't filling a void in their life.


but we are still speaking of the negative sides right? if it lays on a positive position it still means, what can be achieved.

or do i have to worry everytime this card turns up? hm.

ist it like with the world or the wheel, i once read they can mean the end as well.