Tantric Thelema


Tantric Thelema & The Invocation of Ra-Hoor-Khuit in the manner of the Buddhist Mahayoga Tantras.


Anyone read it yet?
Sounds interesting. I'll probably grab a copy in the next few days unless I'm persuaded otherwise....
Over a decade in development, Tantric Thelema develops author Sam Webster's Pagan Dharma work uniting Pagan, especially Thelemic spirituality with Buddhist wisdom and ritual technology. It gives a complete method for learning a Mahayoga Tantric technique for invoking the primary deity of Thelema, Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Forty-seven practices are described in fine detail with clear theory to enable the reader to advance spiritually. For the first time ever the Initiatory and Couples practices are published, along with a practice to prepare for Death.


Looks like we'll have to rely on your review Aeon :thumbsup:


What he said, I would want to know. After seeing how sex can hurt through working with childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivors from 5 to 55, I must say sexuality is core to the human existence. Any magic that uses it get's a :thumbsup: by me.

Seriously...Freud wasn't full of "hit" + "s" as a prefix. He himself would say his answers are outdated, but the questions and line of thought is sound. I'm interested in the book. And besides, the poor author got an M.Div in pagan studies. You know that had to cost and will be hard to repay those student loans...


Also I'd be interested to hear who did the cover art Aeon, love it!


Probie said:
After seeing how sex can hurt through working with childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivors from 5 to 55, I must say sexuality is core to the human existence.
Huh? This looks like a typically western misunderstanding. :laugh: Mention the word Tantra and everyone immediately thinks Tantric sex.

Sorry dude. No sex in this book.


Aeon418 said:
Sorry dude. No sex in this book.

Oh, then I'm not interested anymore... ;) :laugh: (a joke, please buy and review, and then maybe I will buy :D )


Grigori said:
please buy and review, and then maybe I will buy
I've already bought a copy, but I've only skimmed it so far. At first glance it looks similar to Tantric Buddhist (Vajrayana) practice, but converted into a Thelemic form.

This is the Mahayogatantra Invocation of Ra-Hoor-Khuit from the appendix at the back of the book. It's also got that picture you like. ;) The artist is Kat Lunoe.



Here's how Sam Webster compares the Thelemic deities to concepts within Buddhism. (page 5)
So these are the parallels I make: Nuit is Prajnaparamita, the perfection of wisdom embodied, shunyata given a face and form, the mother of all the Buddhas (Buddha means awakened one), and the basis for all refuge.

Hadit is the inherent buddha-nature within each of us, already enlightened or 'perfect'.

Ra-Hoor-Khuit is the union of entitative being (Hadit) and world (Nuit) and is the godform, or Yi-dam for Thelemites to take in their practice as a way of articulating their will.
Webster also suggests that Liber AL be read like an Eastern Tantra. (This idea isn't new.) The usual approach is to see Liber AL as another western apocalypse much like the Book of Revelation. But reading it as a Tantra it becomes a munual of practice instead of a book of prophecy.

To make the point a bit clearer I'm aware that some people interpret the Book of Revelation as a symbolic manual of Kundalini yoga, not a prediction of a physical event.


Thanks for the heads up on this, Aeon 418. I'm a lot more interested in the Vajrayana than I am in Thelema but I'm going to order the book. That yantra on the cover looks like it would make a great Universe card for a Thelema themed deck.

Those who can't believe that tantra isn't about sex will find the most readable explanation in the Dalai Lama's book: http://www.amazon.com/Kalachakra-Ta...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270420386&sr=1-1