About the OOTK and


Thumbs up ... with no thumb!

I used to be an officer and intitiator and one time we had a hearing impared and elderly candidate for intiation. Things where adapted quiet well as there is so much more in a ceremony than words and those other things come more into focus when the words have less relevence.

I found a writing of Crowley's very helpful (heaven knows where it is - I've forgotten) but Crowley talks about initiating a man with some type of imparement, not sure whether it was sight or sound? But he also stared that the ritual can be stripped down to it's essentials and be, at least, as effective as it is for others with the full content.

To get a bit 'flippant' ;) I have found that quiet a few initiates had a 'hearing imparement' ... and a common sense imparement ...well, they MUST have consideing they did the opposite of what they were taught and then got into self percieved trouble and then blamed us!

However I never got this from anyone with a 'real disability'. I suppose, with their 'limited resources' they were much more focused with the abilities they did have.

I see no reason why any magical processes cannot be adapted to suit any one that does not have a fully operational range of senses.

Crowley made several distinctions between the O.T.O. and the A.A. One was this; If a man has his part of his hand missing and cannot propery do a certain degree handshake then in the A.A. that is as far as he can go, it his karma in this incarnation and maybe next time around he'll make it. In the O.T.O. you would just give the grip as best as you physically could and that would be considered sufficient.