Elemental Dignities


I'm new to the Thoth Tarot having only recently got my first one yesterday.

However I'm intrested in elemental dignities and how they are used, could someone point me in a direction--be it book, website, or your own description--that explains them.


A place to start:


This is the first page in the "Tarot Lessons" tab found at the left hand side of the page. This site makes things all look so much more complicated than they really are. I would suggest skipping past things that you don't get right away- you can always return to them later, but you are likely never to get past them if you decide that you "must" understand every last thing that is said.


Elizabeth Hazel has a book on dignities in general. You might find all aspects of dignities interesting. The book is "Tarot Decoded". Excellent reading.