Getting to know the cards better


Do you know of any sites or anything that can describe the meaning of each of the cards or should i just buy the book of thoth? I mean i know the basics but id like real detail.
Cheers for any comments


ManOfTheBox said:
Do you know of any sites or anything that can describe the meaning of each of the cards or should i just buy the book of thoth? I mean i know the basics but id like real detail.
Cheers for any comments

Hi MotB, yeah, get the Book of Thoth, also other Crowley books will give insight into the sepcifics of this deck.

Try going thru the older thoth pages here, there is a wealth of info.


ManOfTheBox said:
should i just buy the book of thoth? I mean i know the basics but id like real detail.
If you're baulking at the short term prospect of actually spending hard cash on a book, look at it as an investment. That's exactly what the Book of Thoth is. Like many of Crowley's books it will grow and unfold with your own readiness to Understand.
Knowing the basics of Tarot is fine for working with most consumer decks, but the "basics" is just the baseline launch pad for the intrepid Thoth explorer. Expect your tarot knowledge to be turned inside out and upside down by the Thoth. Enjoy the ride. :D