faery pets...


LAUGHS and claps her hands....oh that is great. That is bragging rights!



What a story!
"He died by my own hand...." music swells....not piano tho!!!! })


*ROFLMAO* ~wipes tears from eyes~ Alissa, perhaps that is a message that you should play another instrument *LOL*. I can imagine your horror at both the live and dead mice, YUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK. If I were you I know I would be giving the piano a wide berth.


Yes but... this is My Piano. The one I learned on as a child, the one that was handed down to me from my parents. My Piano... there was no way in hell those little buggers were going to do thousands of dollars of damage inside of that! No way, no how! })

So although I am a kind and compassionate person, I have no qualms of the mice's execution via my own hand. I had to clean my poor keys and Lysol them from here to next Tuesday before I could actually play again. I was pissed!~

Just call me, Fluffy the Mouse Slayer~! (that's the nickname Christine Filipak gave me when I told her the same story... :D)


Personally I think "death by Piano" sounds pretty cool :p