Anna K. Study - The Star


The point-of-view is situated very low, and we are surrounded by high steep rocks. There is water coming down, and is is collected between the rocks. On the foreground, we see a young plant or tree, just sprouted, the little roots are looking for some steady foundation. In the sky, we see a bright eight-pointed star – the same shape as the star in the RWS deck. But this time, no naked girl who nurtures the pond and the earth. The natural forces of the earth are nurturing herself and everyone who wants to use her resources. This means, peace and success can come from within.

This is the card of hope – in the future. The seedling isn’t succesfull yet, and he choose a hard place to sprout on those hard rocks. But the possibilities are there, there is water running. You just have to wait a bit longer.

There is movement in the card, things are moving in the right direction for sure, but the atmosphere is still calm and serene.



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