Decks with your fav Court Cards


In the Talking Tarot forum there is a thread about Tarot advice ( and Earthair posted a great piece of advice:

Find a deck where the court cards connect with you and the rest of the cards will follow!

This really struck me as insightful, since it seems that generally the court cards are the ones that beginners have the hardest time reading, on average. So I would love to hear, which decks have court cards that you connected with the most or the easiest? Or, which decks have your favorite depictions of the court cards?

To answer my own question, the first deck that really made me understand the court cards in a clear way was the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn. The guidebook for that deck makes it clear the elemental associations of the court cards, and that was the first time that I realized the interaction of elements within a court card determines that card's personality. I know this is common knowledge, but this was the first deck that basically spelled it out for me! IMO her depictions of some of the court cards are the most interesting cards in the entire deck.

So how about you? What are the decks with your favorite court cards?


I am traditional, I love the Thoth courts.
But I do agree about Silicon Dawn, only (smallish) objection is that she has changed some of the elemental assignments around. I do think her way is working though but I have to spend some time with it to 'get into' it when using the deck.


The first deck that made it easy for me to get those cards was the Robin Wood. Here court cards are amazing.
The phantasmagoric has good ones too and much later i discovered the Clover tarot wich has brilliant courts too.

Le Fanu

It was the Victorian Romantic that really got the Courts to click for me. And they still work beautifully for me. I agree about the Thoth too. Once you read about them and see what Crowley/Frieda Harris were doing, they are surprisingly accessible and yet layered.

I have also had my Seven Stars Deck of the Dead out again recently for Wintry readings and I love the courts in this deck. Vivid Rococo and Baroque portraits but with something invariably looming or circling in the background. These work well for me.


I really like the courts in the Chrysalis deck. They are professions rather than people posing with a symbol. Sadly, the rest of the Minors are not as good (IMHO). I can't look at the blue or purple leaves, and the hawthorn tree in the 6 of Spirals is terrible.

I also like the Wildwood's court cards because they are animals, which is easier for me to translate into actions or events.

I don't own this deck, but the Gaian Tarot looks like it has interesting court cards. That might have to be added to my wish list :)


Two complete opposite decks for me. Mary-El and Ancient Italian. I like the traditional cards of the Soprafino style and the originality that is all their own in the Mary-El.


I love all the Morgan-Greer courts! (-moustaches and all..)


The courts in the Robin Wood have clicked for me ever since I got that deck. I also find the courts in Hidden Realm very good.


Occult decks like Thoth, Hermetic, and Golden Dawn Temple.

The Robin Wood Courts are attractive but a bit flamboyant and overdone for my tastes. The occult decks have just that right balance of humanity and elemental power.


The two RWS-styled decks whose courts really clicked for me are the Robin Wood and her use of elemental colors and the DruidCraft Tarot.