First time reading at market, Advise?


20-minute readings with a CC spread? Only if you speak fast! :D

You know those wall bulletin boards with the crossed ribbons where you slip your pictures behind the ribbons instead of using tacks or pins? Someone needs to develop a 'Tarot Board' along those lines where you slip the cards under the ribbons to keep them from moving in windy situations .... it wouldn't damage the cards, either.


Great idea tarotbear :) I had never thought of this, may have to give it a try! I do readings outdoors quite a bit.



Great idea tarotbear :) I had never thought of this, may have to give it a try! I do readings outdoors quite a bit.


If you get really thin ribbon and make one yourself, the thin ribbons should still hold things from flying away and not be too wide as to interfere with viewing the card.

Of course, you could use yarn - but I think that will stretch too much over time.


Excellent idea! You could create a board (that looks pretty of course) but instead of using ribbon, use colored elastic! Just anchor it to the back of the board so you can quickly slide your card in to anchor it. You could have the board blank or you could create meaningful placeholders, ie specific spreads. Wow, TB, you may have come up with a great tool that's highly marketable!


Excellent idea! Wow, TB, you may have come up with a great tool that's highly marketable!

Remember, folks - you heard it hear first! LOL!!!

--- back to thread --- I wonder how wooden-eye is holding up?

HEY MODS~! Can these last few posts be split into their own thread? :D


Wooden-eye actually held up pretty well. the threatened cyclone warning turned out to be a boiling sunny day with no let up. The terrible forecast buggered up our seaside town, tourism dependent market, the upshot being I did .......wait for it......4 readings and sold two copies of Bonefire. Three of the four were sweetness and light. One was a bit dark; about a relationship. In short after a very unpromising spread filled with incompatibility, three of cups came up in the outcome position, which for better or worse my mouth interpreted to be; the support of girl friends, so turned one more card to find a little solace- I think of it as Wooden-eye actually held up pretty well. the threatened cyclone warning turned out to be a boiling sunny day with no let up. The terrible forecast buggered up our seaside town, tourism dependent market, the upshot being I did .......wait for it......4 readings and sold two copies of Bonefire. Three of the four were sweetness and light.
One was a bit dark; about a relationship. In short after a very unpromising spread filled with incompatibility, three of cups came up in the outcome position, which for better or worse my mouth interpreted to be; the support of girl friends, so turned one more card to find a little solace- I think of it as a result of the outcome and flaming 13 arrived- endings.
The lady was gutted and teary. I explained that the cards spoke if the situation as it stands now and how tweaking things could alter it, but the damage was done. I will have to work on that.....
So aside from feeling dreadfully guilty about not brightening that lady's morning (and believe me I have wonderful ability to ruminate) the morning was not a disaster. I was not that nervous after all and had more than enough to say. I felt a little bit random from time to time, my story not hanging together that coherently, but on the whole the experience felt okay.
I will try another market next week-, though I am not entirely convinced that a market is the best place to read, as ever, I am high up on the fence.
None of the bad weather measures were actually required after all, but I have them all stored in my noggin for a rainy day. I did drink like 4pints of water, all that talking! I am still thirsty now, two large glasses of red have scarcely helped at all, in fact they have just made me inordinately sleepy. So. Post over. Thank you and goodnight.


Glad it worked out well for you! :love: And now that you have had your first, you will gain confidence with each further one you do...

Although you felt bad for not making the one woman's life brighter with your words, surely it is up to her to do that - you did your job, you lit the path for her, so don't feel bad! The rest is up to her!


Well said Lotus! Glad everything went well for you wooden-eye! Was thinking about you and sending positive thoughts.



Lotus, I am sure you are right, I will try to be extra careful to keep an eye on how clients are reacting to my words. In a short reading format, discouraging news seems a bit like a hit and run. She was staggering off into the sunlight when I would have gladly spent a little more time
with her.
Patty thank you so much for your thoughts and positivity, I truly value them.


(((((Wooden-eye)))))) I know exactly what it is like to feel such compassion for others, but...there is a limit to what you can do, dear-heart. You can't live their lives for them... :heart:

I think you did a great job, by all accounts! And plucky you, for going out there despite anything, and for doing your best, and then some! :)

PS PattyMc is an angel :angel: