Sabian Symbol Study Group: Aries Degree 3 - #3


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill.

Sun Sign: ARIES
Degree: 3
Number: 3



Dr marc Jones in the Sabian Symbols in Astrology says this symbol is about participation in tradition and sulture and the key word is exploitation...

I find people with this symbol in their astrology are often involved with politics, local and or state government, body corporate and ‘head’ different volunteer organizations. The cameo, a carving in relief to me ease in communication, face to face communication, people can 'see' clearly when you are making a statement.

I like to get this symbol in an oracle reading as I 'feel' it means heroism in some way.. in a non public way I guess...

Numerology 3....




from the 'Sabian Symbols as an Oracle' by Lynda Hill.
There are some people who find their roots ina mixture of places, or realities, and dont feel a belonging to their actual homeland.

The Country that this Symbol implies may not have national boundaries, therre is the 'Spiritual' Country; the 'ideological' country; even 'past life' countries.

Picture who you want to be and what you want out of life.

One time this Symbol came through in a reading and gave great insight into the persons past life. It described the situation the 'man' (though it could also represent a woman ;)) had been in and the time in which the past life took place - what I got from it was a deeply imbedded impression of a personality which was in exile, someone who carries their family history or generations of traditional culture dear to their heart. Some one who was possibly looking to their country for answers of why things where like they are. This also ties in with what you have described too Marina - the Government and Officials, authority, law, status and position.

This card has some of the Tarots' 'Emperor' and Pentacle/Earth qualities in some ways. It has a certain strength and determination about it. Almost like a coin has the Rulers head and profile stamped in the centre. Or a shield of some sort, or like the wax stamp seals. The individual mark of the person and their position.

I also feel that there is a great deal of information held in the profile of a persons face. The life is imprinted onto that too. A story of years, genetic and heriditary similarities passed on.

No two profiles are the same, and each profile eventually changes too. This Symbol prompts me to think about the time the Queen Elizabeth II profile was changed on our coins in Australia. She got an updated profile. She was now no longer the young Queen, and the profile needed to be changed to better represent her maturity. In some sense, this change speaks of a much larger profile of the Country, her mark on it, and her term of authority, political and monachial. Her profile or mark on each coin is on more than one Countrys currency - her boundaries and authority is represented widely.

I have included a part of the Past Life reading I did below. As I realize - all interpretations are different with the same symbol, but this is just an example. The Symbols which followed it i thought very relevant to Aries 3 - a nice flow on the explaination of what the Symbols were trying to illustrate, and also how relevant and dominating 'A Cameo shows the profile of A Man that Suggests the Outline of his Country' was throughout the reading. This Symbol - for this reading - had much presence. I think it relects something in the way of the strength of the Symbol interpretaion itself.

The Symbols for this reading were drawn prior to writing out the reading - this is shown in the persons profile details. It was what I saw on the 'Cameo'.

The book used was for the reading below was Lynda Hills "The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle".


Some of the reading is intuitive and intertwined with the Sabian Oracle explanation.

Location: South of Harad, Ash Sharqiyan (Eastern Province) Saudi Ararbia.
Kartoum – Sudan.

Era: The time of your arrival into this land is dominated by two factors. 1) You sailed by primitive methods – one trip required a canoe or handmade boat and the other journey on land – you utilized camels. 2) It was a time of people being displaced. Movement on a large scale.

Gender: Male

Features: Tanned skin, rugged lined face, medium build, dark hair.

Personality Profile: Softly spoken, quiet, thoughtful, seer, contemplator, determined, charismatic, brave, considerate, compassionate, unrelenting, firm, solitary, wise, diplomatic.

Life Profile: Political Refugee / Community Leader / Teacher.

Release/Death Experience: Age of death around 42. Something to do with the nervous system - Natural causes – relatively painless.

Your past life journey begins with a homeland move. This move, at the time, was due to a situation where you were not safe. You were encouraged to leave to find a safe haven, as your life may have been endangered, and where you were promised a better way of life and standard of living. You had been under duress and very hard times. Although this move offered you much opportunity for a new way of life, you were aware that it was a time to take advantage of the new situation and to leave your past behind. You were never fully released from danger, and although there was a constant impending risk for your life, you were determined to seek out opportunities and to push boundaries where necessary.

I am unable to determine if your trip required you to move from the land where Saudi Arabia is now situated – to Africa, but there is a definite move across water (Red Sea/ Blue Nile) which you took to improve your life. You were in the company of many others during this transition.


Question: What was the most significant Past Life EXPERIENCE?


The Symbol speaks of a country, which may have lost or had no boundaries and I feel this is relevant for your reading – this seems to be the country from which you moved. Your homeland was taken from you and you lived your life in exile across the sea. The country that you moved from may no longer exist – it may have changed its borders or been renamed. The experience of this move and its impact on you changed your life forever. The experience of losing your homeland was a profound time in your life. I feel this was the catalyst for the rest of your lives work.

This Symbol reflects your strong ties with your homeland, your lineage, allegiance, tradition, and culture. You retained a strong belief in yourself and others.
I feel that where ever you roamed, within your heart your kept traditional values close to your heart and you never lost sight of the ‘vision’ of a better life, not just for yourself, but for your people. You had a keen sense of your purpose in the world and knew that your life was committed to keeping those traditions and values alive.

I feel the most significant experience, related to this past life, was one, which you had a part of shaping the way a new country or nation evolved. This would have in part, been done with others. I feel as if you weren’t alone on your quest, but you had a gift, one that inspires others to be able to see the potential of a future, which can be created, on faith and strong values.

This Symbol intuitively impresses me that wherever you left from – you could not return. All that was left of it was what you took with you in your heart. You were a keeper of many traditions and tribal or cultural ways of life. These things were very important to you.

’A mans country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyal to that principle.’ - George William Curtis.

]Question: What is most significant Past Life CHALLENGE?[/b]


This Symbol gives a very strong image of your determination and hope, as I feel what you were given in the way of an opportunity was little more than a barren space in which to exist to start over again. I feel that your challenge was to make something from nothing, to rebuild your life and to help others rebuild theirs in a new land, which potentially held opportunities if they were sought out. This was the place where your ‘vision’ would manifest. Your challenge was to fulfill what you were aware that your destiny required of you.

This new environment or opportunity allowed you to leave your past behind, to venture into the unknown, confronting your fears and moving forward. Your faith kept your spirit alive, yet your trusted yourself and others to succeed in the endeavor.

Intuitively, I feel this challenge also related to your ‘faith’ though I am unsure of which religious denomination you belonged to. You were a spiritual being and a spiritual teacher although I don’t think these things were separate from you, you lived your life by the rules of your faith, which at times tested you and challenged you to your limits. I also feel that you were a wise soul. I don’t get the impression that anything, which required you to force an issue, was done with violence or hate – though others around you may have acted in this way. Your wisdom and faith elevated you from such actions, and required you to find other methods to solve problems. There was a pride about you, but you were not arrogant or narcissistic.
I also feel that your ‘family’ was your tribe. I don’t get the impression that you were married or partnered, but preferred to be alone. This may have been a political move so as not to endanger the lives of the ones that you loved, but also that you could focus on your purpose single-mindedly.
I also feel that you could have achieved greatness in history, but this was not your purpose in this lifetime either. It was there for your taking but you declined. It would not have sat well on your path and would have interrupted your purpose. You were not given enough credit for what you achieved, but that was not your intention at the time and would have conflicted with your true beliefs. There was a compassion and kindness about you, which was not accepted by those in control.

’Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do or dare’. – Dale Carneige.

Question: What is the most significant LESSONthe person should know about her past life?


This Symbol ties in with the one before and I think justly reflects your life purpose. The challenge seemed to be to lead others to a new land. The journey itself, I feel, took many months, and maybe even years before there came a time where you were able to settle in one place. I also think that it took many years after that to build, or lay the foundations, for your ‘vision’. This would have taken some searching and mammoth decisions to be made along the way. I don’t feel there was at the outset there was a specific place to head to, but one which you needed to search out and find. You chose your new ‘homeland’ well, and it was rich and abundant. Your journeying for greatly rewarded.

Because this Symbol mentions the use of a camel, I also feel that this is quite relevant in a few ways to explain your journey and the time frame in which you’re past life was placed. I am not an expert when it comes to the history of this area – Saudi Arabia and Africa – and still today camels are used for travel in the desert and wilderness, but I do feel the time frame was many centuries ago, possibly BC. I am not sure if there is a country or tribe which uses the symbol of a camel – or once used this symbol – but I see it clearly as an emblem with colored lines behind it. Possibly a flag or a coin.

This Symbol relates to your determination, endurance and strength. This illustrates the faith, which you had in yourself to succeed, and the qualities of the self, which you had to develop to obtain your goals. It also tells of your life trials. I don’t think this life was easy by any means. It required much sacrifice and may have meant that you were reliant on others to help you through. The Symbol also tells of success though. You were successful in crossing that which divided you from your purpose.
In this life you were asked required to journey – and to do this meant that there were many difficulties to overcome, but you were well equipped to face all the challenges that confronted you, and this would have required all your skills and talents as a leader. I feel you were responsible for many people, and along your path you had to learn how to organize and prepare and map the path for others to follow. You also had to lead by example and get on with the task at hand. You were born to lead, and born to succeed. This seems as if it was a predetermined ‘life task’. Something which needed to be done to change the balance. You had chosen to be the one for this exploration (in spirit) long before you reached a physical body to achieve this goal. This required you in this lifetime to serve for the benefit of others and to put yourself in a position where you would leave a long lasting legacy for others for many generations beyond your time. A very selfless act, and a hard mission to carry out.

The words which would describe your lessons during this time are: Faith, endurance, commitment, single-minded, intent and purpose, promise, hope, determination, reliant, journey, wilderness, perseverance, trust, responsibility, stamina, selflessness and karma.

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go’. – T. S. Elliot.


It was very determined to show me the journey you undertook and the relevance it had in shaping the lives for the future for others.


I hope that this example explains a little more of how I see this Symbol in this context :)

Many Blessings
Elven x


WOW - thanks Elven,
excellent amazing and intuitive use of the symbols




Hi Marina :)

Theres something about that Symbol - its not one that I initially had any feeling or insight about - I remember the reading to me a long time to do, but that was because it was about a person (specifically) and yet the 'Country' or homeland aspect was prominent.

I think that happens sometimes with the Symbols - they are dealing with one or more subject and sometimes its hard to get around to what is the main focus. But the other Symbols that went with that reading helped alot, but the main one was certainly Aries 3.

I remember as a child, my mother having a cameo necklace on a band of velvet. The color of the stone was pink/flesh and white. She had had it for many years - I think it belonged to her mother. Then there was a jewelry box which had a cameo on it too - but I think it was blue and white - like a Doulton or something. Both cameos adorned precious things ;)

I was just thinking of 'Cameo Appearances' too. I might do a search on it and see what else 'Cameos' are about :)

Elven x


Part of Body: Cerebellum FROM SOLARFIRE


Karmic Symbol for Aries 3:
Aries 2 - A Comdian Entertaining a group of friends.

Quest Symbol for Aries 3:
Aries 4 - ATwo Lovers are strolling through a secluded walk.

The Opposite Symbol for Aries 3 is:
Libra 3 - The Dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.

Symbols in tension with Aries 3:
Cancer 3 - An Arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons.

Libra 3 -The Dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.

Capricorn 3 - The Human soul in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.

Sabian Symbols 72 degrees apart from Aries 3: (the Five Pointed Star)

Gemini Two Dutch children talking and studying their lessons together.

Leo 27 - Daybreak - the luminescence of dawn breaks in the eastern sky.

Scorpio 9 - A dentist is hard at work.

Capricorn 21 - A relay race.


Element Black Onyx
Discussion: Black Onyx is a banded variety of chalcedony (quartz). The stone is often used to objects like vases and more importantly cameos. Onyx helps with the challenges in life, controlling and eliminating excess and unnecessary energies. Black is also the colour of power and authority which resonates with the imagry in the symbol.
The Colour, Spirit, Energy and human use of the stone made it a must for this symbol.


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Just copying in my previous thoughts :)

huredriel said:
Aries 3 - A Cameo shows the Profile of a Man that suggests the ouline of his country.

Couple of thoughts I jotted down for this one ...... Empress fire ..... hearth and home ..... cameos are intricate, small, detailed ..... they take time ..... a masculine title again ..... so here I feel a flow from the feminine of Aries 2 to the masculine of Aries 3 (yet the feminine is still there ..... in the heart ..... stoking the internal fire, the inner drive so as to move forwards).

Patience still advocated perhaps though? In Aries 1 we had a move from water to land ..... an embryonic evolution if you will ...... here I feel a progression ..... an integration ...... becoming one with the land ...... the soil, roots and origins .... a merging of physical identity perhaps ..... sinking the roots down into the ground, becoming more easily identified on the outside surface ..... like how the physical body shows signs of experiences through life (eg. lines and wrinkles) if you will


huredriel said:
Just a thought as I was musing over Aries 3 ...... 1 + 2 = 3 ...... the singular self + the group = the whole aka country outline?


huredriel said:
..... putting your mark .... or stamp upon the world around you, like the imprint of the face on a cameo?