Just Ordered The Mary-El Tarot


Dear (((urazz:heart:))) l feel your pain so much, l have been through this process of grief so many times with many of my pets. l know how devastated you feel, it takes time to come to terms with your strong emotions.

l do hope that by using and learning the Mary El you will find something to ease your pain. It's a Tarot l have often looked at, and as of now it still remains one l look at. l would be very interested to know how you get on with it.

You had that sudden need to have this particular deck, so maybe your little Midori is urging you to get it as gift from him.
Bless you

I'm very sorry you had to go through the same thing, even multiple times. I've decided that one period of grief is enough for me and do not plan on adopting a companion any time soon

If it is a gift from Midori I hope that he knows that I'll cherish it for the rest of my life

Thank you




Hello Uraszz. I want to thank you for your post which has reminded me of two things for which I am grateful, our cat Chai and my Mary-el tarot. I send my best wishes to you in Turkey and Midori in the great beyond. A third thing I am grateful for is the AT community. There really are great people here (not to sound too much like a certain presidential candidate) :!

The best advice I ever heard about the Mary-el tarot came from Shyfox on Youtube. She said simply not to be intimidated and "dominate" the deck. In so many threads and videos one sees what a different, dark, and difficult deck the Mary-el is. It certainly is all of those things, but is also beautiful, powerful and caring. I expect you will have a wonderful experience once it arrives.

I don't use it all the time, but it does call from time to time and almost always delivers a message I need. I look forward to checking back in with this thread to see how you get along.


Hello Uraszz. I want to thank you for your post which has reminded me of two things for which I am grateful, our cat Chai and my Mary-el tarot. I send my best wishes to you in Turkey and Midori in the great beyond. A third thing I am grateful for is the AT community. There really are great people here (not to sound too much like a certain presidential candidate) :!

The best advice I ever heard about the Mary-el tarot came from Shyfox on Youtube. She said simply not to be intimidated and "dominate" the deck. In so many threads and videos one sees what a different, dark, and difficult deck the Mary-el is. It certainly is all of those things, but is also beautiful, powerful and caring. I expect you will have a wonderful experience once it arrives.

I don't use it all the time, but it does call from time to time and almost always delivers a message I need. I look forward to checking back in with this thread to see how you get along.

I'm a Hemophiliac (blood clotting disorder) and once another hemophiliac told me that we create examples for other people with our pain. We remind people of the importance and value of the things that they take for granted and how fleeting these things can be

I hope that my experience has inspired you to love more and appreciate more the value of your companion. I send my best wishes

I have the same feelings toward the Mary-El. I've always felt a firm but gentle energy radiate off the artwork which is true and honest just like a parent figure in one's life

We as Human beings like the idea and concept of dominating and/or controlling things around us. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to spirituality and metaphysics. They do not follow the whim and order of Human experience. The Mary-El Tarot looks and feels like a transcendental illustrative key pointing to another manner of existence and reality. Escapism or truth seeking on my part?

Thank you very much




Indeed there is no way to know whether medical care would have helped your cat, It might have been more stressful for him, and caused him much unhappiness. I have a feeling things unfolded exactly in the highest good for your son. for his deepest needs. He was loved. and in his beloved home.

I second that from my own experience: my cat was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17. Even with the treatment that they offered the prognosis wasn't good. I could've afforded it, but I refused the operation and chemo because at his age I did not want him to go through all that pain. The animal hospital released him, they also told me he has 3 month to live the most (with operation and treatment his chance of living would've been increased to 6 month). Being in shock from the news I quit my job. If he had only 3 month to live I wanted to spend this time with him and not leave him alone 9-10 hours a day. Long story short: he was very happy for the change (that I was with him all the time), he felt loved, loved his life, fighted to survive and lived 2 more years.

I'm so sorry for your loss, I completely understand your pain; what rubyofjoy said aren't just some comforting words, I believe it's absolutely true. You gave him what he needed the MOST. I'm sure he felt loved. You brightened his days. You gave him a home. I hope knowing all these brings some comfort to you.

I have the Mary-el, it's a powerful and emotionally-charged deck (meaning that it evokes an emotional response from the reader) - I wish that tarot and this deck to help you in your healing process.


I second that from my own experience: my cat was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17. Even with the treatment that they offered the prognosis wasn't good. I could've afforded it, but I refused the operation and chemo because at his age I did not want him to go through all that pain. The animal hospital released him, they also told me he has 3 month to live the most (with operation and treatment his chance of living would've been increased to 6 month). Being in shock from the news I quit my job. If he had only 3 month to live I wanted to spend this time with him and not leave him alone 9-10 hours a day. Long story short: he was very happy for the change (that I was with him all the time), he felt loved, loved his life, fighted to survive and lived 2 more years.

I'm so sorry for your loss, I completely understand your pain; what rubyofjoy said aren't just some comforting words, I believe it's absolutely true. You gave him what he needed the MOST. I'm sure he felt loved. You brightened his days. You gave him a home. I hope knowing all these brings some comfort to you.

I have the Mary-el, it's a powerful and emotionally-charged deck (meaning that it evokes an emotional response from the reader) - I wish that tarot and this deck to help you in your healing process.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and WOW they estimated 3 months and he lived 2 years? Power of love at it's best I guess. I am happy that he passed on in peace though and I do hope he and Midori are together in a far better place than this harsh world because they did not deserve what they lived through

I think the truth in rubyofjoy's words were what really had me stop and truly 'think'. There's a lot of undealt business in my mind that I can only overcome with time and a lot of introspection (like I don't do that already)

I'm glad you think and feel that way about Mary-El. It'S definitely going to have an impact but how so I cannot say at the moment

Thank you very much

