YUCK! You guys are right. Spiral Tarot and U.S. Games deck production


I recently bought a new copy of the Spiral tarot so that I could use the old one for collage.

I didn't save the packaging for my old one, but have the LWB and its a first printing.

The new copy was a 7th printing.

1. Lamination: Crappy, you guys are absolutely right on this issue, when I compare two of the same deck, the difference is striking. Lamination issues don't bother me a whole lot because I tend to collect more than use, but having directly compared the two, yuck.

2. Sturdiness: one shuffle for the new edition and it dinged the edges. Could just be coincidence, but didn't like that.

3. There is a slight color shift, more noticeable on some cards than others. I can tell they increased the contrast between the the first edition and this one, and in a few cases it made the images better, but for the most part not. This is coupled with the fact that there is a slight shift from a warmer to a cooler tone, a slight warm reddish tinge that has been taken out, so that the blues and greens are more visible. Again, more noticeable on some cards than others, and on a couple an improvement, but for the most part the deck feels cold and uninviting. The shininess of the lamination also adds to this icy cold quality. (in working with Photoshop, I'm going to guess that some fool used the Autocolor command thoughtlessly, and without considering that it sometimes makes things worse instead of better--what has happened to the deck color and contrast wise looks exactly like a misapplication of the autocolor command)

4. Its not that noticeable, but there is a slight shift for the worst in resolution. If I take off my glasses and look at two cards up close, I can see the dots from the printing in both of them, and the newer edition is slightly lower resolution.

5. on a couple of cards, the printing is just slightly misaligned. I probably wouldn't notice it had I not had the earlier edition to compare to, but it generates a very slight fuzziness that wasn't there in the earlier edition.

6. Oddly, they made the red border around each image just a teensy bit narrower. This is not a criticism, just an observation..doesn't change the image quality one way or the other, I just wonder why?

7. The first printing according to the LWB was printed in the U.S. The second was produced in Italy. While I know it's cheaper to outsource, it's less environmentally friendly, and come on, if you're going to do it, get a decent printer. Lo Scarabeo has a decent producer for their decks (though the resolution does tend to be slightly lower, the lamination and cardstock is good), why is it so hard for U.S. Games?

Conclusion: First printing goes in new box for 7th printing.

7th printing gets to encounter sharp pointy scissors and glue.

Second conclusion: I agree with everyone else: U.S. Games needs to go back to their old printing and lamination processes.



My thoughts exacly


Thanks for posting this. I just received my backup copy of Spiral tarot and I've been wondering about the same things you listed here. And now I know I've not been hallucinating.

I won't be dramatizing it if I said that I was shaken to see this new copy. I have been comparing the cards and being in denial about the stark difference in the card colors, material, printing and the smell (oh yes, the new cards smell!). :( But I know they are not the same. And to think that I had found 'the deck' of my life. Now I only have one copy of 'the deck of my life' that I care to read with.

How do I find out if mine is the 7th printing? I got my original one from Borders last year and the new one from Amazon.com.



To see what printing it is, look in the LWB, the first page where the publication information is. You'll see at one point a series of numbers (I don't have it in front of me right now so I can't recall which range it was for the Spiral) that will look something like this:

"12 11 10 9 8 7 6"

If this were the range of numbers, you look at the last number, and that is the printing number. So in this example it would be a 6th printing.

Thats another thing, even the LWB was on different paper stock...the old one was smooth and shiny and fewer pages (same text). The newer one is slightly chunkier and about 10 more pages due to a font difference. This in itself doesn't bother me, but I'll be curious about the long term paper quality (whether or not its acid free and how much it yellows over time....)



Horror of horrors!

Both my old and new LWBs show a 7 at the end: 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 . Both LWBs are printed in Italy. Both decks are printed in Italy. But I swear the cards are visibly different! Perhaps they are from the same printing, but different batches.


Could very well be.

I'm glad that you have one that was better than the other, though.

Could be that with time the smell from the lamination has time to dissipate with use, since you said there was also a difference in smell. I think people have mentioned that before with other decks.

This might just be a reason for me to start specifically seeking used decks though when it comes to U.S. Games, so that I can gamble on getting a decent quality deck rather than buy new and be guaranteed get a crappy one...


I've been bitching about USG's 'new' production standards for years.

Bathroom tissue laminated in plastic with a lovely industrial aroma - yum.

Don't post about it.

Phone them. Write them. Don't buy future decks from them (of course they'll come out with new wonderful products that you must buy...).

Boycott USG. Hands down 100%...

Send your deck directly back to the company and ask for your money back.

There is an old saying, "As long as I choose to be a donkey, there will be somebody to ride me."

Get angry - and take it out on USG.

support the small press folks.

the other big publishing house? They think you are female, 13 years old, and have no angst. Boycott them also.

Support small press.

But it ain't gonna work unless we stand together and stand strong.


Well said, and in theory I totally agree.

In practice: Well until I get a decent full time job (being recently graduated in budget-crisis Illinois and in the middle of a nation wide economic fluctuation, well, lets just say the job market isn't great right now....), I can only afford cheap decks.

As to the first part though, writing them, well, I have free time on my hands, heh heh heh.



SphinYote said:
Well said, and in theory I totally agree.

In practice: Well until I get a decent full time job (being recently graduated in budget-crisis Illinois and in the middle of a nation wide economic fluctuation, well, lets just say the job market isn't great right now....), I can only afford cheap decks.
There's no need to buy new decks. No need to support them. Think on this - what do they think about you?

Look at your new spiral? What do they think of their customers??? and you want to support that opinion? You are worth MORE than that!!!


Umbrae said:
There's no need to buy new decks. No need to support them. Think on this - what do they think about you?

Look at your new spiral? What do they think of their customers??? and you want to support that opinion? You are worth MORE than that!!!

I agree, but then, how do we resist buying those new decks that we just have to have? I guess they know we'll buy their decks despite poor quality.


Umbrae said:
There's no need to buy new decks.....

What?! Blasphemy!!!

Actually, you're probably right. I have plenty and should focus on the ones I have. But what's a collector to do?? Yes, focus on better quality, but what if it goes out of print? Would love to see the Greenwood reprinted (not with U.S. Games), but it doesn't seem to be happening...

It's interesting...I noticed the issues with the decks before, but never thought much about it until I had two different copies of the same deck and could compare directly. With a new deck, well, it's a part of the deck personality, and in some decks the shininess works (if not the smell and feel), and resolution isn't an issue because its just how the deck is....the changes are easier to accept. But when comparing with an old friend, its just...ick.
