Best YouTube Tarot Videos


I have a Quick Time movie (.mov) of the Madonna vid if anyone needs it. I think there's a version at as well, but that might be just the "embed" version. Best, Derek


Thank you for pointing out this one. I really enjoyed it. I'm quite a fan of the short, short story with a surprise ending and, IMHO, this is a classic example - very well done. Are you the David Bogie who created it? Where have you been these past few years?



Music Video by Spanish pop artist and cutie Alejandro Sanz:

Look for the Medieval Scapini at 2:40- 2:45:
an evolving 3 card spread with Death card

how predictable but I still like the video and song :)


Tinkerbell - that was abfab!!! Loved it - I thought it was such an excellent idea and really surreal. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


That was a great clip! I like how it ended with the fool. That makes for great pondering.....


Mountain Dream Tarot- Bea Nettles - Three of Swords

I would like to share this video with you where Bea Nettles talks about the Three of Swords card from her Mountain Dream Tarot, and compares it between the different editions. The image is now being used as a disc icon on Bruce Springsteen´s album "Magic".


Here is a good video of Jodorowsky giving a woman a Tarot reading in front of a huge audience. He speaks in Spanish, Marianne Costa translates into Italian. It is a good example of the way he approaches tarot on a reading, following the characters’s gazes to close the spread and acknowledging the Marseille’s optical nature.
