Faery Seekers Sign-Ups for October 4th - 31st


Ok, I'm a first-timer...but I'm in!


Pook.... you found us. Welcome, welcome and pay no attention to Jewel and Faunabay... they are just... well... just pay no attention....:D.

TomTom you are most welcome, thank you for joining us.


Well....my Faeries are really PO'd at me....they been sittin' in a box for months and months and more months...ummmm....ya....so....they are peeved off. But, alas! I'm going to take them out to play and see what kind of mischief they can get me into....

So Faerylvr, please count my peeved off Faeries and myself in for this round.

Thank you


Hi Faerylvr, I'd love to be in this round if thats ok? Im late with getting my reading done for Goldnchyl, but I'll be finished in time for this new round if thats ok?

~looks at Jewel & Faunabay in their monster costumes, giggling~


faerylvr said:
Hey hey you too... don't scare the new comers off to soon... if I end up with an odd number... I'll read... and not stress you out anymore... and if I end up with an even number... and you want to read with me... we can read and take as much time as you want.
You are always so good to me :D ... but I am not taking off the monster costume!!! no matter what you say ~giggles~

Besides you and I have some other stuff we need to work on together ... points to the healing thread.


geministar said:
~looks at Jewel & Faunabay in their monster costumes, giggling~
~looks at Gem giggling, then at Faunabay also in her monster costume, a mischevious grin crosses her face and she pulls out a monster costume just Gems size and dangles it towards her~ I belive this belongs to you lil' sis ~grin~


faerylvr said:
and pay no attention to Jewel and Faunabay... they are just... well... just pay no attention....:D.
But MOM!!!! ~tries to pout but can't stop giggling~ ... Scold Aximili, not us, he is the one who called me a monster, I was just playing along ~giggles~ Or do you want a costume too????


We love our monster costumes, don't we Gem? (Prancing around trying to look scary while giggling!!)


Well, if you are going to give me one too... lol... after all what good is it if we can't be scary?


~excitedly and giggling, takes the monster costume from Jewel and quickly puts it on while trying not to fall over~

Thanks Jewel! I have it on now. ~quickly runs over to Join Faunabay in Jumping around trying to look scary, giggling at the same time~