The Fairy Pack by Claire Nahman


Does anyone have this deck? Can you tell me anything more about it? I love the picture that is on the cover but haven't been able to find any more pictures on the net.

I would love any information you can give me, either here or in a PM. What is the information in the book about working with fairies like?

thank you!



Claire Nahmad is a really good source of knowledge on faeries, but I was really disappointed with this pack. The book is fabulous, the cards feature faeries from all traditions, but mainly celtic. However, the cards are terrible. The corners are not rounded, the card stock not fantastic, I'm a little too worried to even use them because they will not wear very well at all I'm afraid.
Lovely to look at, but not to use! The quality of the book and the quality of the packaging so far outweigh the quality of the cards, I truly wonder what they were thinking.


Thank you both for answering.
Butterfly, is the picture in the link from the same deck? I am wondering because there are several links that say "fairy pack" that lead to that image which is the "fairy BOOK" and illustrated by James Browne, wheras the Fairy PACK is illustrated by Danuta Mayer.

Maybe this is the book that comes with the pack and is illustrated by a different person than the cards?

Too bad that the cardstock is so thin, it seems like the book companies that don't specialize in tarot cards often do that. If the book is informative then I cannot resist!




The picture is definitely not in the cards. Gorgeous picture, but quite a bit different to the style used.
The book is fairly informative, though the info can easily be found elsewhere (particularly the Celtic and English faeries) but it has a magickal task for each faery, divinatory meaning, their story. It's ok, not bad, not good.


I just ordered this deck and was wondering if anyone these days is using the deck, and what their comments are. I get that the cards themselves are made of poor card stock and that the corners are not rounded, but what I want to know is the usefullness of the deck as an oracle. Thanks!


Where did you order it from?

I found one picture. I like it.

Just realized this says Fairy Book. Is this a picture from the deck?


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I believe that is the book that will come with the deck. I ordered the deck from an market seller yesterday so I don't have the deck yet. If you are in the US there are some real good deals on it, I think I got mine for $2.69 plus shipping, all in all around $7.00 ... I could not resist at that price.


Im waiting for my Fairy Pack to arrive also from a trade here on AT, Cant wait to see it! :D


Jewel said:
I believe that is the book that will come with the deck. I ordered the deck from an market seller yesterday so I don't have the deck yet. If you are in the US there are some real good deals on it, I think I got mine for $2.69 plus shipping, all in all around $7.00 ... I could not resist at that price.

I looked for it on Amazon. I couldn't find it. I'll look again.

I found it. That was odd. I did a search earlier and got nothing even with her name.