New deck, Hexen 2.0


The deck and book are waiting for me at the post office. Will pick them up over the lunch hour.

I am really looking forward to digging into this, doing some research, thinking about how the author decided to pair certain figures or ideas with the traditional attributions of various cards.


After the introduction, which frustratingly is the ONLY text in the book, there are several hugely complex diagrams. One of them can be seen on the cover of the book. I my view these couple of images are what explain the deck. The concepts that are used are plotted out and the relations explained.

For those who have the book: these diagrams are the ones on her site, right? One of them is called "HEXEN 2.0/Historical Diagrams/From MKULTRA via the Counterculture to Technogaianism".

At least her site confirms that the Empress is about intelligence agencies.


I would love to have this deck to add to my collection but only for the artwork and the subject of the deck and not for the readability. I think this would have made a better wall poster collection than a tarot deck.

Has anyone been able to do a successful reading with these?


Hi! I went to see the show of the artwork when it was here in NY and bought a deck at the gallery. I wouldn't recommend trying to read with these cards. You have to have a serious interest or knowledge of fringe socio/political history and conspiracy theory. I went to the show with a science journalist who literally explained the meaning of the illustrations and I found that many of the choices the artist made did not really work with my understanding of the meanings of the cards. If you're interested in the history, and know the Tarot, it's more fun to look at each card and ask yourself why you think the artist chose to illustrate the card with those characters/events. At least that's what we found, once my friend explained the illustration to me, I told him what the card traditionally meant and we'd piece what we thought her intentions might have been. As you can imagine from the subject matter, there's a lot of negativity and paranoia in these cards. I don't think you'll want to read with them unless you're into conspiracy theory. Still, I bought a deck, because I admired the art and it was so reasonably priced at $20. I flipped through the book and it was more a catalogue of the artist's work. I read the essay on the deck, didn't shed much light.


I have enjoyed reading the cards more than reading with the cards.


I have enjoyed reading the cards more than reading with the cards.

Next time there is a reading circle for impossible decks, this will be the one I shall use. I can see it working, actually !


I've read with it and it actually gives pretty good readings. It's a little awkward to read with at first.

The crowned one

Next time there is a reading circle for impossible decks, this will be the one I shall use. I can see it working, actually !

It would be fun to try. I love this deck for its artistic style and theme, but have never read with it.


It would be fun to try. I love this deck for its artistic style and theme, but have never read with it.

Wanna exchange ?? }) PM if you'd like to try.... Bear in mind that I read weirdly.