The Book of the Law Study Group 2.72


Always Wondering said:
But I find myself still thinking in terms of punctuation and giggling throughout the day.
Don't forget it's only symbolism representing a greater and wider pattern. As Crowley says in the commentary: "The formula of Samadhi is the same, from the lowest to the highest." Or in other words, physical union is a reflection of spiritual union. As below, so above. ;)
The Greek word Πυραμις(Pyramis/Pyramid) has the same number as Φαλλος(Phallus).)
The building of the elemental pyramid of self and the raising of the Φαλλος are cognate symbols. In each case they represent "active" aspiration, and the desire to rise up and achieve union.

With that in mind this quote from the Book of Lies should make complete sense.
The Brothers of A.'.A.'. are Women: the Aspirants to A.'.A.'. are Men.
Lift up thyself! ;)

by zero

now for something completely different.

if thou art ever joyous​

drink by the eight and ninety rules of art

contain the same word:

Big deal, you might say,
but art as a form of being almost suggests itself​
to a mind with German traces:​

Here it would be more in the sense of

of course not to be too much mixed up with


Always Wondering

Aeon418 said:
With that in mind this quote from the Book of Lies should make complete sense.

I've wondered about that quote. Thanks.



Just to clarify, the A.'.A.'. in that quote only refers to the Third Order. The Masters are called Women because, upon crossing the Abyss, their formula of attainment reverses. They no longer actively aspire (masculine formula) to attainment. They are more like passive instruments of the universe itself, caring for their disciples (children) and giving birth to new teaching. Atu III The Empress is symbolic of a Master or Brother of A.'.A.'..

Always Wondering

Okay, this helps. Yesterday I kept wondering about the 99.99% factor and wondering how to make it all fit with that quote.



Sorry about the confusion, AW. But in this instance the blame is all Crowley's. He frequently uses the initials A.'.A.'. in two very distinct ways. And sometimes there is a degree of ambiguity about which A.'.A.'. he is referring to. This still continues to trip people up to this day. (I'm not sure if that wasn't Crowley's intention all along. :laugh:)

Definition no.1) The A.'.A.'. is the "Spritual" Third Order. The Santuary of the Gnosis from which all spiritual truth and teaching emanates. All the great spiritual teachers are said to be emisaries of this order. It is this A.'.A.'. that Crowley says has existed for all time, etc, etc. It is this A.'.A.'. that Crowley writes about in Liber XXXIII: An Account of A.'.A.'.

Definition no.2) The specific teaching and training system developed by Crowley and George Cecil Jones. As such this outer A.'.A.'. is merely one particular path to the real inner A.'.A.'. of definition 1.

An example of Crowley's apparent ambiguity can be found in his statement that Helena Blavatsky was an Magister 8=3 of A.'.A.'.. Of course Blavatsky was never affiliated with Crowley's organisation bearing the name A.'.A.'.. Instead Crowley is using A.'.A.'. in the sense of definition 1.

by zero

Just for completion it might be noted that art in Hebrew would be אמנות,
transcribed AMNOT.