Frieda Harris - artistic influences?


I was wondering if she was influenced, or had looked at Cubist / Fauvist artists such as Matisse, Picasso or even Braque etc. I know that she used Projective Synthetic Gemetry in her tarot imagery, and was taught by Steiner, Adams and Whicher, but couldn't help but compare her to other 'modern' artists.


I've never seen much about Freida as an artist outside of the deck and some Masonic stuff. I wonder what is out there about her as an artist, her other work, influences? I'd love to know more on that also.


Lady_Cerridwen said:
I was wondering if she was influenced, or had looked at Cubist / Fauvist artists such as Matisse, Picasso or even Braque etc.

I'm sure any studing artist (or any type of artist at the time) would have at least looked at it.