Book T Minors: Aries


As suggested in this thread, this is a spot to start discussing how the constellation of Aries, applies to the 3 pip cards, 2, 3 and 4 of Wands.

I think it might prove useful to start by posting our reflections on what "Aries" means, and then we can start relating that to our decks and the meanings that we are more familar with.

Always Wondering

From the astrology forum you refered me, I found Aries to represent willpower, initative, energy, activity, implusiveness. An I on the right track here?



Always Wondering said:
From the astrology forum you refered me, I found Aries to represent willpower, initative, energy, activity, implusiveness. An I on the right track here?

Yes, thats it exactly. :thumbsup:

Chic Cicero said:
The principle of activity. The expression of commencement. Keywords associated with this sign included: quick, impulsive, dynamic, initiating, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and pioneering.

Element and Quality Cardinal Fire
Ruled by Planet Mars
Associated Tarot Trump The Emperor

I like to think of these cards as the ultimate "man" cards. Lots of implusive fire, bravado, machismo etc. Aries is a cardinal sign, so represents beginnings and impulses etc. Fire as the first element represents the same. So Cardinal Fire (Aries) is all about new, and beginning, and jumping in there headfirst. If you look at a calender, Aries is the Springtime (OK, in the northern hemisphere, but thats were all our information comes from primarily), the start of the year, the end of winter.

If you look at the Emperor Card, along side these 3 minors, you can see a lot of the similar meanings.

Always Wondering

Perhaps I have some unlearning to do. I see fire-Aries in the 2 and 3 of Wands, and the Emperor. But not so much in the 4 of Wands. I think the title Completion on my deck had me thinking to long of finishing up or winding down. But I am not seeing these qualities in 4 of wands, at least not a strong.


I suppose the 4 is the third decan of Aries as it starts t go toward taurus...


I know very little about astrology.


Well, Aries means Ram. This brings to mind qualities represented by the animal. They are known to be violent, brave and to charge forth. Also makes me think of battering rams, getting what you want by determination and brute force.

Rams will not hesitate to fight, they are competitive and territorial. Also makes me think impulsive.

I think they have also been used as symbols of fertility and the beginning of Aries coinciding with the spring equinox makes me think of strong life force and growth.


Lillie said:
I suppose the 4 is the third decan of Aries as it starts t go toward taurus...

Yes, I think of it that way too, though I don't know if I'm supposed to. The 4 of Wands is the last decan of Aries, so Aries is getting a little weaker as we move towards Taurus I imagine.

Always Wondering said:
I see fire-Aries in the 2 and 3 of Wands, and the Emperor. But not so much in the 4 of Wands.

Yay!! Spot on AW. See how easy this is. The 4 is VERY different, and its because of the Planet attributed to it. Each Minor gets both a sign and a planet, which is the next step in the process. I'll throw this out there, if your not ready for this next thing, we can come back to it some more once we start working on the planets and decans in earnest. But sounds to me like your already there, just got to get the terminology in our dictionaries.

The 2 of Wands is Mars in Aries, so double macho oomph :D Mars is the Ruler of Aries, so they are very happy to see each other, and re-inforce each other. This is a damn strong card because of that.

The 3 of Wands is Sun in Aries, so again very complementary energies. The Sun is Exhalted in Aries, so its shining at its very best there also, and is happy to be there. You could say it "Virtue"-ous even ;)

The 4 of Wands is a whole different story. Its Venus in Aries. Soft feminine Venus is the exact opposite of mucho Aries, and so the difference is very striking, as you noticed Always Wondering. You can still see the Aries themes there I think. In decks based on the Rider Waite you see the firey joy of springtime, which is very Aries, perhaps the better side of Aries. Aries' potentially darker competitive-aggressive side is muted by having the planet Venus put into the mix.

I tend to think of the 2 as more warlike, because of the Mars energy. The 4 as more peaceful because of the Venus energy. And the 3 is kinda in between.


Lillie said:
I know very little about astrology.

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one using the Thoth deck while knowing very little about astrology. :)

These threads are so great, I want to print them all out and start a notebook, or at least start taking some notes.

The eager student,

Always Wondering

I just have to say. . .
I have struggled with this stuff for a long time and it is such a joy to sit here and visually see the movement of Aries through the cards. And to finally understand why a card tittled Completion might occur in a number four card.
It has had the odd effect of a desire for many decks so I can lay out the minors and just look at them, or more accurately, watch them.
With great appreciation,


You know, for more years than I can count I have seen the astrological symbols on the cards, and I have always ignored them.

They might as well have been in greek for all it meant to me.

This is the first time I have ever been able to see some purpose to them.

I just thought they were there as some sort of occult decoration to fill in the space....