What are your thoughts on The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals??


In every day guide she uses alot of decks.....lets see if i know them by hart
Plain old waite ofcourse, shapeshifter,witches and the arturian legend
It just happends that i don't have the book here right now :( But i think i got them right :)

I'm glad she uses the world spirit tarot, i love that deck :) And i'm glad that twenty somethings can use the book;)
I'm of to order it know!!!!!!!:D


Hehehe, I think you'll like it!


Decks used in Tarot: Your Everyday Guide:

Rider-Waite-Smith, Celtic Dragon, Golden Dawn, Legend: the Arthurian Tarot, Sacred Circle, Shapeshifter, Witches (Cannon-Reed).

I add my voice to those who highly recommend this book.



Thanks Kyrielle! This book is on its way to me!!


so tempting

Well now I'm definitely tempted to order this book. I use reversals all the time and have been using Legend: Arthurian tarot to try to make sense of the reversed cards for other decks.. (yeah probably a big no-no hehe)

I'll let the notion tempt me a while longer until I can no longer stand it.. hehe :)