The spiritual side of playing cards?

Phoenix Rising

Oh and I forgot to mention that Ace hearts is my card for the sign of cancer..that too being a water element. It also governs the week of 20-26 June. Cancer is also the house of the home and the that interpretation fits nicely..Also the home that carries future generations.
I realise too that it doesn't matter whether we are North or southern hemisphere as to the seasons, it will still be the same zodiac sign and element. also the physical heart.


My card that is personal ambition and fulfillment..I know the card meanings will differ for each method but that's ok. The feeling as though we have just been rewarded and achieved that ultimate goal..a lovely feeling pertained to it. It would also be a give and take situation between 2 hearts..but what we give we get hard, think positively then the exchange will come back to you. Although some people see it as the exchange between 2 the end of the day it still comes back to you. Actually until now I didn't see it that way before, so this is helping me with my meanings as well.
this card to me governs the week 27 June-3 July. My body part is of the 2 breasts..the first food of the New born babe..

I'm enjoying doing my journal to Joey...I've used an old deck and I have a page for each card as well. I'm also started writing it like I was talking to my children and grandchildren to a commentary of how I started, when I got interested in the cards..and my little advice that I'd like to pass on to them.


Awesome with the journal! sounds like a beautiful gift you'll eventually pass along there...


~ Two of Hearts ~

Where as my Ace was the pure essence of love... this card shows me that love exists between two people... it's my relationship card... it is the exchange of true love energies and all that that entails... this is a card of genuine feelings... enjoying the company of whomever it is you love... walking hand in hand... this speaks of a commited relationship... a strong one... when I see this card I think of roses and love notes... it's a nice card... a quiet one... the simple little pleasures that being in love brings...

and I'll go with the next one....

~ Three of Hearts ~

Where my last card was one of love relationshps... this is my card of true friendships... this card manifests as your real friends... the ones whom you love and trust and who love and trust you... the ones who rally behind you through thick and thin... best friends if you will... these friends listen when you need an ear, and offer a shoulder when you need one to cry on... this sometimes even manifests as family members... the ones you feel as though are true friends... close brothers or sisters... a cousin, etc... niice card too... not a terribly exciting one, much like the 2 in that regard... but always a joy to see and experience... nice to know these types of people are in our lives, helping and supporting and being there... and we for them as well...

this is really interesting, PR... let's keep it up... got me all sortsa thinking here! lol


Phoenix Rising


This is my card of sorrow and regret. You know, the feeling when you said the wrong thing to your mate or partner, and you ended up breaking up over it..and you really regret it..that is the essence for me. It's interesting if it comes up in a reading, then you know it's genuine. Alot of people say they are "sorry" but they don't mean it...this will let you know. this would be likened to a "broken heart" scattered heart I guess..
It also governs the week 4 July-10 July..body part Uterus/ovaries(my meanings only)


4's are the crisis cards of my were saying in another thread, traditional meanings of the 4's are of bedpost and such. A doesn't move..stuck in a box. So stuck emotions..can cause "insecurity" and insecurity will often lead to "jeolousy" and taking things personally.."hurt feelings" this is the meaning of this card for me. although I know some have it as a warm and cosy bed, secure...or boredom too?
governs 11 July-17 July..No body part assigned yet.


4 of Hearts to me is one of my trickier ones... I've changed its meaning several times and still haven't come up with one that I'm happy with... planning on working on it and a couple other of the card I'm unhappy with this week... for right now... it's a card of boredom and burnout... emotional unexcitement... things are stale and stangnant in an emotional context... tiring... and just sorta crappy... not in a major way... but in a way that is unsettling... that's the meaning I'm currently working in... but there is more to this card... I know it.. and will be working on it soon... that's the beauty of Playing Cards... they allow for this sort of play... and they will let you know when something is not working... this is one of those cards.. they've been telling me I haven't got it right just yet and I need to work on it... all of my 4s actually.... excpet 4 of spades... I know that's ones staying the same...

5 of Hearts is my tears card... it's a card of sadness... all of my 5s are difficult in some way... I don't go with the traditional meaning of a tears card, being that the tears might be those of joy too... this is a card of hurt feelings... regret, sorrow, and loss.... grief and mourning... this card sometimes shows up when something has died (a person, marriage, project, etc.) and it is very natural... part of the process... it's important to fully experience this card when it's present... to not fight the grieving process... ya gotta allow it to occur... purge those hurts... and in that regard... this is sometimes a card of purification for me... has a very similar energy to your 3 of hearts... I like your comment about showing true sorrow... I will remember that as I hadn't thought to look at it in that light, but certainly feel it applies...

What's your thoughts on this 5??

Phoenix Rising

5 of Hearts

This is actually my favourite card...The meaning I have for it is "Gift" give or receive. It could be a actual gift or a lovely compliment...also very pleasant conversations..or giving..caring. Every time this card has come up, you can is a pleasant experience. It has come up a few times for "language" too..I guess that's part of the "pleasant conversations" because I'm learning my language(Maori) it is a gift..our language. And people who have the gift of singing, or just "well spoken" so it's verbal form of expression(5) Giving love or receiving love. I had it turn up for a woman who had just got a part-time job..caring for the was with the A:heart: So in a retirement home..caregiver. Governs week 18 July-24 July...change over of constellation into leo..Actually all the 5's & 10's of all suits are a change over of constellations, within the seasons. The body part is..Muscular system.


Another favourite card...It indicates a "bright road ahead" as looking at it, it has 2 rows that make a path. Next to someone...if in a relationship reading, it means that there is respect within the relationship..and has potential. It can light up a bad experience, as something must have been learnt, therefore they are getting themself out of the rut. A promising card for new relationships, career etc. Week 25 july-31 body part yet!!

I know what you mean about getting the right meanings for the cards, they will certainly show itself...good thing about having dailies....easiest way to see what it is trying to show. I had one card like that 9:diamond: which is undecided or doubts...but the way I was feeling about it was exactly what it meant "doubts" taught me the feeling of the card. So it was the right meaning all along.

Reading about your feelings on the 4:heart: what you have thought about it, is probably what it was trying to show you what it means. I also had it come up as feeling "bummed out" or feelings a little hurt. oh and the other thing was "untrusting" turned up today in my daily. My sister came and had coffee with me...and she had read some txts that her daughter(13) had sent to her..but it wasn't meant to go to her mother but to the daughters friend or sister was shocked, and now doesn't trust her..that 4:heart: was the well as sister feeling "bummed out"

I was thinking to Joey, should we start another thread "Joermit and PR's daily reading exchange" Shall we give each other daily readings..only if you can, don't worry if you can't do it for a day or so. I normally just cut the deck 4 times, and read the top 4 and the bottom 4. Then we can re-assess our cards??




That'd be a great idea... a daily reading for each other, suppose it should go in the readings section too... perhaps we should move this thread there as well... give a daily pull for each other and then comment on a card?? lemme know what you think... and... how bout we start tomorrow... that's Monday for me... is it already Monday for you?? not quite sure about the timing between us... it'd be lovely practice and perhaps I'll be able to work out a few kinks in my cards... great idea! thanks...


Phoenix Rising

Hi Joey

This is the LINK for our reading exchange thread.

Phoenix Rising

Hi Joey

I decided to include the Jokers in with my playing cards, I felt that the spiritual side or something to indicate it, was missing, giving the mundane feeling to it. So the red Joker indicates a "significant or spiritual person" and the black "significant or spiritual event"
It has appeared in a couple of readings since including them in, and it's working out wonderfully well, giving me that sense of completion...the red Joker appeared next to a court card, so that person was the significant or spiritual person...and the Black appeared at the beginning of a layout alerting me to the significant or spiritual event!!
I'm quite rapped about this.
My friend Lisa, doesn't use the Jokers but when 2 Jacks come together and particularly the Jack of Hearts with it, she knows that a message from guardian angels are trying to tell you something...

Do you use the Jokers and do you have cards to indicate "spiritual events"


Hiya, PR!

I do use one joker and sometimes refer to it as my "God" card, which indicates great spiritual energies present, great potential and possibilities... as for spiritual type cards... I tend to read from a more spiritual point of view rather anyway, but the whole suit of hearts is where the most spiritual of matters tend to show up... big spiritual type cards for me are the 4 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts, Queen of Hearts... the 4 can actually represent firm spiritual beliefs, church, an alter, meditation.... the 7 can be spiritual study, psychic gifts, intuitive insights... .. and the Queen represents my psychic archetype... hope that helps... I've reworked my old way and have really enjoy the new system... it works beautifully and it's not so hodgepodgy... at least not to take care..


Little Hare

i don't have any playing cards at the moment. i was thinking of getting a nifty playing deck with something like bettie page or 50's pin up girls on the back.

I actually heard of playing cards being used for readings long before i had conciously come into contact with tarot cards.

Thanks for opening this thread up Phoenix_Rising