Reviving the One Deck Wonder

Le Fanu

Thorhammer; r.e the goal..
The goal is just to feel the satisfaction of knowing one deck really deeply, and not flitting....

This, to me, is enough...


Emily, thankyou for that sage advice and view from the other side, as it were. I hope I can find a deck that offers me the love affair that I've noticed you having for so long! :)

Le Fanu, of course you may join in! It's not a hard and fast thing (yet?) but just a grouping, a coming-together, of peeps who might like to simplify things a little. I'm in no position to exclude anyone :). Jaques Vieville, huh? Wow. One day I'll start on the TdM's but for now, sheesh, so many decks, so little time!

\m/ Kat


Like Solitaire* the VR hit me like a ton of bricks. It was so hard to put it down but I too had a few more decks that were being ignored so my goal for the next few months is to go through them all.

I'm expecting to end up with only a treasured handful of decks when I've finished, but oh boy, will I enjoy a one deck wonder with those.


I have been reading almost exclusively with the Steele Wizard don't know how long...almost since I got it I think :D I did a few readings with other decks that I really love as well...but I soon missed my SW.
I do have an avalanche of decks (lol) ready to be explored and studied. No decks in the mail at the moment (until the Yoga Tarot is released in Summer, I think)

So...I think I should quiet down the decks that are shouting to be studied and give my absolute full attention to the Steele Wizard. I will not use an Oracle at the same time - that will only distract me.
I have no idea yet how long I am going to do this though, lol.
Maybe a few months ? Do I have to set a time before I begin ?


Of course not, WS! I only set a time limit to give myself something to work towards. Doing it that way will help me to mark the Sabbats, as well. Now, to pick up the book and read a bit :D . . . soooo lazy :|

\m/ Kat


I will begin on the same day as you thorhammer :D
I was going to take a week or so anyway to look again at all my precioussss and then make sure they are all tucked in properly.
My room will be empty without all these decks lying around :bugeyed: lol


WolfSpirit said:
I will begin on the same day as you thorhammer :D
Noice. I like it. :D
I was going to take a week or so anyway to look again at all my precioussss and then make sure they are all tucked in properly.
My room will be empty without all these decks lying around :bugeyed: lol
Yeeesssss!!! I've been pondering that issue, sticking-point that it is, as well! Yes, I know I have to put them all away! Of course, or the temptation would be ridiculous and I might as well not even try :) but ooooohhhh, they look so pretty, all lined up and stuff!

Good think I just inherited a huge chest of drawers from my best mate. I'll put them to bed in one of those, try and forget they're there :D.

In fact, I've been thinking of pruning my scented geraniums, too, and if I do that, like, now - I'll have some nice dried foliage to pack around the deck and make them smell pretty!

Oooh, I like the way this is making me think! Yay!

\m/ Kat


As one of the original ODW folk too its so exciting to see how the idea hasn't died and keeps getting revived from time to time.
I did it and I would no way go back - even though that means that a lot of my decks are there for art and pleasure rather than reading. I even recently got the IIT thinking i'd devote myself to it and really go 'hardcore' into a ODWness, but I just dont connect with it the way that I thought I would.

The process taught me that the 'one' deck doesnt exist. To be honest I think its a big myth. THE deck doesnt just appear in the post and fall into your lap and its a dream, its something you have to work at and make a deck you like into the deck that is an extention of a part of you. The Druidcraft became this for me and its still my favourite to read with, to play with and just love the artwork. The book is now covered in pencil markings where I agree with the authors ideas, and then lots of scribbles of my own ideas and feelings.
And each time you read with it you learn so much more than just studying the artwork and the symbols.

So - good luck with your ODW be it with one deck or a deck and an oracle. I cheated before and had the Druidcraft and the Thoth and between the two the DC won :p


Ah-huh! *pounces*

You can tell me! What is "IIT"??? Yes, stupid clueless person here . . . and curious! :D

\m/ Kat


The International Icon Tarot. :)