0 - The Fool - Lo Scarabeo Tarot


The sun shines brightly, in a light blue sky. A young man steps through a portal/archway - an archway that we can't see through. It looks as though he has left everything behind - that nothing exists for him there, anymore. There could also be dark clouds on the other side of that portal... he's leaving behind whatever made him unhappy, at any rate. He's literally walking on air - white, fluffy clouds. At the moment, I envy him his peace of mind. :)

The green tunic brought to mind Spring, and new growth. His eyes are closed, and he appears to have no worries. He holds a cup in his left hand, that holds fire, and a wand in his right hand, that holds a small bag.

I'm unfamiliar with the Thoth, but have looked up the threads related to the Fool, and have seen the grapes, and the butterfly emblem at the top of the arch, in the scanned image provided by MystiqueMoonlight.
Thoth - The Fool

The butterfly indicates metamorphasis or improved change of self. The Caduceus indicates improvement of health or personal well being.

I don't know if the spirals on his tunic, have anything to do with this, or if they're just there for decoration:

Note the elongated umbilical cord which is in 4 spirals about the Fool given that of spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical. This indicates one's ability to change in all those areas...for self-development if you will.

and this post from MeeWah: http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=101211&postcount=9

The cup holding fire, and the grapes:

He holds a cup in one hand and a torch in the other, indicating the meeting of opposite forces, a transformation is about to take place (alchemy). The grapes behind him show fertility

From CreativeFire:

The Butterfly - is akin to the air, it is the mind, and the abiliity to know the mind or to change it. It is the art of transformation - transformation of self.

Also it looks like there is a bunch of grapes behind his arm with the wand in it - which could be a connection also to Dionysus - a youthful god of vegetation, wine and ecstasy?

(I've made a note of these things in my notebook.)

I feel a bit like this fool, starting to study this deck without having any real knowledge of the other decks (Marseille and the Thoth), but I'm enjoying the peek into other systems. :) Some of the posts in the Thoth threads, are making my eyes cross (there's so much to them), so I'll have to come back to them tomorrow.


From my point of view, the black clouds there represents what was left behind that we are not allowed to see (think about reincarnation, for example).

"We are on a new ground and a new stage, so we must forget the past, lest it will interfere with the present and make us more confused."

ETA link to the image http://www.albideuter.de/html/lo_scarabeo_0.html