Pentacles in Relationship Readings


I am often perplexed when many, perhaps even a majority of the cards that turn up in a relationship reading are pentacles, especially when it's a relationship with no financial/material goods component. Any suggestions for interpreting these cards as they relate to love?


Pentacles or Coins aren't just about 'money and material goods', they represent the Earth element and so are speaking about anything that is real and tangible or comes from the Earth.

A relationship or a date is a thing... so it could be represented by a Pentacle card. I've seen the Ace of Pentacles as an offer of a date before.

There is an excellent thread somewhere about Pentacles and relationships, I'll see if I can find it.


Pentacles also relate to the element Earth. In the case of a relationship spread you can look at things from that perspective. Some of the Earthy qualities that you can use in a relationship reading are things like (on the positive side) strength, stability, solid, supportive, and (on the negative side) rocky, shaky , unstable.... and the list of both positive and negatives can go on and on.

For example:

The 2 of Pentacles often is balance of some sort. From a relationship point of view, you can see it as an equal give and take from both people in the relationship.

The 3 of Pentacles (someone who works hard to achieve their dreams) can show the dreams of a relationship (possibly marriage) coming to fruition; especially when paired up with the "right" cards from other suits.

The 5 of Pentacles, which often depicts hard times, can show a lack of support from someone in the relationship.

As usual though, all the meanings will change a bit depending upon the other cards around them and the position in the spread. The examples I gave above are just looking at 1 card at a time and not looking at them in a spread.


Thank you all so much! This is quite helpful. I will check out those links. I tried to find some myself without success. I can't wait to see what they have to say.


Silaria said:
The 5 of Pentacles, which often depicts hard times, can show a lack of support from someone in the relationship.

But the 5 of Pentacles can also show two people toughing it out against the rest of the world ie true love:)

Imagine pentacles like tree roots, they are slow to grow but without them you don't have a firm foundation and they are also difficult to uproot as their roots sometimes go deep.:)


caridwen said:
Imagine pentacles like tree roots, they are slow to grow but without them you don't have a firm foundation and they are also difficult to uproot as their roots sometimes go deep.:)

Would you say pentacles in a romance reading show a more lasting commitment?
More permanent/solid feelings or does that just depend on the cards?


Without Disks, a relationship is unlikely to manifest. It needs that earth energy to make it come real, instead of being just a nice dream.


clarity said:
Would you say pentacles in a romance reading show a more lasting commitment?
More permanent/solid feelings or does that just depend on the cards?

Depends on the cards but in general yes. If you want a lasting relationship then Pentacles are your foundation and without them what you have is transitory:)