Need help desperately reading a 5 card spread....


A close friend of mine has asked me to do a spread for them about their new relationship. I pulled the cards with my Cosmic Tribe but I do not feel that I can read them because I feel like I would not be fair or see ALL that is there. He said he really likes her and wants to know if they are compatable. If someone could please read these cards for me it would help me a great deal.


1) 2 of disks - What he brings to the relationship
2) Ace of cups - What she brings to the relationship
3) Strength (R) - What will make him happy
4) Fool - What will make her happy
5) 10 swords (R) - Will it last / Outcome

I pulled another card and placed it on top of the 5th position and it was the Sun.

His birthday is 6/14/69 - Dan
Her birthday is 10/15/80 - Angie


you can reply to this message OR email me with any response - doesn't matter which.

Thanks so much,



Dear Lil-Angel,

I am a beginner at card readings so maybe I got the wrong end of the stick here but looking at the spread I would caution your friend about this relationship. It seems to me that Dan sees it as a game. He is not serious about it. He seems to take it lightly and is likely to be playing with Angie's feelings. Whereas she is much more serious about him and probably very much in love. She sees this relationship as the potential beginning of something great. She feels very strongly about it but chances are, the way things look right now, that Dan will hurt her very much.

Having said that, this is just the way things are right now. Angie should take it as a warning that things may not turn out the way she hope for. Maybe a different approach from her side will make Dan change his mind about their relationship and improve the prospects of it succeeding.

Good luck to her!


My intuitive feeling here is that the compatibility for a really good close friendship type of relationship can be enjoyed & developed over time, but as far as a happy fairytale ending of them living happily ever after in love is not.
The problem is there is just not a strong enough emotional bond to weave together from both parties, in order to truly have a perfect relationship. her expectations of a realtionship differ greatly than his does and therefore this is what will if not already, ultimately stand between them. As indicated by the ten of swords, no it will not last.