A card that can mean " the one"


are there any tarot cards that can represent a person being "the one" for you?

Golden Moon

The Lovers, 2 of Cups... Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Cups... hope this helps :).


I often think of the Ace of Pentacles - a valuable gift from the Heavens.


I always thought it would be a 2 card...like 2 of cups, 2 of wands, 2 of swords...because that signifies a union, no? you are their other half sort of thing.


I think that if the Lovers and Two of Cups come up in the same spread, that would point to a pretty significant relationship. But no Single or Combination of cards will mean the same thing in every spread. It always depends upon the surrounding cards. If the spread is a one-card draw, you would have to draw your own conclusion depending upon your personal relationship with your deck.


The sun could also mean "the one" or the devil too..... "the one you are inevitably hooked on".....


A friend has an e-relationship with someone halfway around the world. Twice I've done a reading for her on who this person is in her life. Both times I got the 2 of cups. Not a problem? They're both married and have been for a long time. And their e-relationship? Scorching... I told her she's playing with fire. The chances of them meeting face to face are extremely remote but still....


RufusJ said:
A friend has an e-relationship with someone halfway around the world. Twice I've done a reading for her on who this person is in her life. Both times I got the 2 of cups. Not a problem? They're both married and have been for a long time. And their e-relationship? Scorching... I told her she's playing with fire. The chances of them meeting face to face are extremely remote but still....

the two of cups could mean their relationship, its very deep and lovely and their connection to each other. but i will never understand why couples have those kind of relationship with other people while married or committed...that bothers me!!!


Is there ever a "the one"?


nisaba said:
Is there ever a "the one"?
yes, i believe so, hopeless romantic that i am :heart: :heart: :heart: