Spiral Tarot Study Group VI The Lovers


The Lovers
Trump VI

What a lush garden, full of life and fertility. Of course, knowing me, I'd be sneezing left and right, but that's my issue. :) A King and Queen, and the presence of the angel shows a spiritual dimension to this card. The book has a very long description of this card, which I need to explore more thoroughly, about the love story between two mythological figures, Orpheus and Eurydice. Also, animus and anima embracing to show integration, is something I can understand more easily.

Loving relationships and choices are featured. The Lovers represent masculine and feminine energies, which must combine, in order for me to move forward in a healthy manner. A card of integration. The choices dimension is also important, because the choices I make will determine the direction my life takes. This integration and healthy choices creates harmony. These ideas also rule the Sixes in the deck, “creating harmony in the four different arenas” the suits represent. BB, Michael


I have to admit that this has always been a tough card for me in terms of finding meanings beyond the rather mundane ones of love, union, choice, etc. In thinking of the deeper meaning, I found I had to contrast the couple in this card with with the couple in the Devil. That card is about sexuality/integration on the material plane only. In the Devil we see the fires of passion, but also the projective mechanisms that manifest when there is no integration/love at the spiritual level. The point of the Lover's is, I believe, that the integration is both external and internal, i.e. spiritual. Therefore, there is no projection of negative energies onto the partner. While the effort of the couple is to integrate at both a physical and spiritual level, the result is not only the close union shown by the embrace, but also there is an opening to higher planes/activities. This is shown in the card both by the crowns on the heads of the couple, but also by the angel at the top of the card. In contrast, the couple in the Devil card are stuck at the material level, attempting to manipulate each other. And while the cards show people, this concept of union beyond just the obviously physical, is applicable to any pairing/balance of opposites. I also see that in the Lover's the figures are approximately equal in size. Unlike the Devil card, there is no feeling of being overwhelmed or belittled by the unseen component in the union. Thus, the Lover's speaks to a complimentary balance, not a power relationship. I think this is consistent with the SP book which gives the keywords unity, commitment and choice. In an unequal relationship, there is no choice, and without choice, commitment and unity are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Without the freedom of choice someone always "needs" to control the other, be it life partner, child, business partner, etc.

Ms. Stevenson emphasizes the Hebrew letter Zain, the sword, in her discussion of the divinatory meaning of the card. Not only does the card show union, but as Zain, shows choice and discrimination. This is a more traditional interpretation of the card and never squared well for me in terms of the image of the Lovers. It's certainly consistent with the astrological sign of Gemini, which is all about dualities and choices, evermore shifting back and forth in the quest for the perfect balance. I've always thought of it as a restless energy which is never still. Gemini is the sign of the physical mind and basic learning, communication, etc. I think the card shows how to resolve this energy, by making the sort of choices that benefit more than one person. This is a lesson strongly emphasized in Jose Silva's Ultramind system. He says that we only get spiritual guidance, like that shown in the card, when our goals/solutions benefit more than one person. So when we make choices, integrate our desires beyond ourselves, the universe responds. I think that concept is nicely illustrated in this card.

I also think this card reminds us that choices are not mutually exclusive. So many times we make the assumption that if I chose this, I can't have that. We all do it, or at least I do. And it's a very limiting posture. Instead we should look for ways to combine disparate elements. The card seems to say that by doing so, we will end up with something much better than we'd get if we chose either/or. Also, we somtimes get the idea that if you win, I lose. I think that when this card appears it says we have an opportunity to make a choice that benefits all. There are, indeed, times when we have to make tough choices, but I think this card says they don't of necessity have to be that way if we take the time to consider the problem on non-self centered level.


This is quite interesting because I just recently pulled a relationship spread for myself and my EX...and within the position of "what's hidden" I had the Lovers and the 6 of Cups......(Spiral deck of course)

Wizzle, you've given me much to ponder on now.....thank you for your indepth impression of the Lovers card.


Glad to help


I got divorced 24 years ago. And only figured the Lover's card today. Pretty bad learning curve, lol. It's due to the great and loving folks I've met here on AT that I was able to make this contribution. I'm thrilled if anyone is helped by my rather tortuous and lengthy ponderings. At the age of 59 I can honestly say it's never too late to learn.



Wizzle, you did good. Great post. Thanks for your contribution! BB, Michael