Cavalier de Coupes - how may it be read?


If this Cavalier reminds one of Perceval or Galahad, it is mainly because of that cup and his apparent gaze into a different world.

In a reading, it may be that the person or the situation calls for one to be lost in the realm of what is being given from a domain not normally held by most of us most of the time - like being in the bliss of love...


He looks like he is bringing a present for someone. But he does look a little lost too.

I have trouble interpreting this card as it is coming up almost systematically in the future position for someone whom I would like to hear from but has not given sign of life for about a month.


This Cavalier is holding something which is very precious to him. He looks at the cup with a kind of sadness and wanting, it's as though a situation is out of his reach or control......shown by the cup being held at arms length. Yep, the typical romantic knight, and probably in love with someone that he cannot have. :) But, I think that during a reading, we should also consider other emotional issues which are out of our control.

Reading this card, could be telling us to take control of those issues which appear to evade us (to grab that cup and hold it close). Or perhaps to go with these unhappy feelings and see where it leads.


Looking at the Hadar and the Camoin cards....

The chevalier/cavalier has hat off..

as a sign of humility and reverence for this cup being held forth to receive...

Receive since both horse and rider face left, passive, receptive, past, feminine, open...reminding me of L'As de Coupes. This cup, too, is being held out as an offering, willingly.

An adventure, a mystical adventure into memories, into the past?

One must travel here with the heart open to receive
treasures one might otherwise overlook.

Looking for love lost? from another or within oneself?
