Sabian Symbols Study Group: Aquarius 7 - #307


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Degree: 7
Number: 307



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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A child born out of an eggshell.
7º Aquarius

The child represents undeveloped potential, a new beginning or creation and it is contained and nurtured within a fragile eggshell.

A newly formed idea with a fragile structure. A fragile concept. A delicate beginning. Vulnerability at the beginning.


from Crystal Astrology

Aquarius 7
Birthdays: January 25th–27th
Numerology: 307
Sabian Symbol: A child born of an eggshell
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Essentiality
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Right saphenous veins
Crystal Element: Septarian (Dragonstone)
Expression: Septarian is a sedimentary, calcite-aragonite-rich geode. Septarian positively enhances beginnings, fertility, creative potential, quick wit, and clever intelligence.
Message: Genesis, new ideas, new beliefs, new technology and new ways.
Sun Focus: You promote radical ideas and values that become indispensable in the future.
Affirmation: I seek new and inspirational thought patterns.

Children with this symbol have trouble at school - cause conforming is just not easy for them -they have amazing intelligence and energy..
lovely kids - just need a new program to get them going..



from Crystal Astrology

Aquarius 7
Birthdays: January 25th–27th
Numerology: 307
Sabian Symbol: A child born of an eggshell
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Essentiality
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Right saphenous veins
Crystal Element: Septarian (Dragonstone)
Expression: Septarian is a sedimentary, calcite-aragonite-rich geode. Septarian positively enhances beginnings, fertility, creative potential, quick wit, and clever intelligence.
Message: Genesis, new ideas, new beliefs, new technology and new ways.
Sun Focus: You promote radical ideas and values that become indispensable in the future.
Affirmation: I seek new and inspirational thought patterns.

Children with this symbol have trouble at school - cause conforming is just not easy for them -they have amazing intelligence and energy..
lovely kids - just need a new program to get them going..


This is my South Node symbol and I find it quite interesting. I was a very clever child when I was growing up. Always on a fast learning track - school was somewhat boring and especially in the last years I didn't want to be there much. Which is not to say that I was a bad student. I did end up conforming though, most likely due to the strong influence my parents had on me (military upbringing) though I am grateful for the firm foundation they placed beneath me.

When I think of the child born from the egg, the story of twin flames come to mind. The idea that two souls birth from the same Orphic Egg seen on the Hermit card in the Thoth deck. They go through the process of soul development and reincarnate time and again. They don't necessarily find one another every lifetime, but every great once in a while they will. The reason for this is because the relationship with one another is often very difficult if the two souls have not completed their life lessons. Often the twin flame will come into your life when you are in great need - as was my case. I have met my twin flame, I am quite sure of it. I was under great personal duress, having escaped the "land of the living" so to speak to live almost solely in my mind due to a traumatic experience. Daily life was merely just going through the motions, but when I met him, he was able to slowly draw me back into myself and begin living again. Perhaps that was the conclusion of my South Node karmic experience, the rebirth process so to speak. But our relationship was not destined to last in this lifetime.

The Karmic Path that I have moved into is my North Node, Leo 7: The Wonder of the Constellations in the Skies. Whenever I see him, because I do see him often (what sweet torture that is) I often think: "My dearest love, we may not be together in this life, but we will be together when we return to the stars in the heavens. We will dance and be merry for a time, until we must return to Earth and try, try again to be together".