"now-infamous Dollar Tree Tarot"?


Heehee, I will have to check out the review! Thank you for the link!

Oh. Now he's stopped his hands doing what I can only call pulling faces - now he has plastic gloves on. :)


Still need a deck, tiggy cat?

I can hook ya up....

Chronata, thank you! I was able to source one, though after Conversus' summary, I'm afraid to see them! :)


If you don't find the deck this may console you >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfG0p412cdI

Hilarious! he does have noce hands and wrists, and I like his voice too. I kind of dig that southern drawl a bit ;).

I didn't think the artwork looked so horrific from what I saw, but the cheesy "interpretations" would be something to be wary of for sure!


When i got home and opened one of the decks, all eager to be amused and enlightened, i was momentarily fascinated by the horrific art and palate, the scrofulous mottoes, the odd choices for pips. But minutes later the fascination faded and i think that it took maybe two years before i could stomach the sight of a tarot card for more than 10 minutes, or so.

I found the art very off-putting as well, and I found some of the characters on the cards to be very malicious-looking. Plus, some of the definitions written on the cards were outright hilarious, but some - like the artwork - were off-putting and and a wee bit depressing.


Still, every Tarot collection needs Really Bad Decks. Partly to make the others look good, and partly for the laugh. :)


TarotOracle's video review is hilarious!! Love it when he comes back wearing that exam glove!


TarotOracle's video review is hilarious!! Love it when he comes back wearing that exam glove!

He is one funny guy... the gloves and hand sanitiser :)

Half the cards appear not to have been included in the deck... *UGH*!


Not all the Dollar Stores carried it. None around me ever had them and I did make a point to check them all.

It's the Dollar Tree, not the Dollar Store. Do you have one of those?