Is it wrong to double check with another deck?


I know that using the term wrong is a loaded question but it seemed to fit.

Just returned from a vacation arranged in the early spring and much deserved by my wife :)
Currently as some know new endeavours are on my mind and I did a reading asking if I was over worrying about the current state of things - used the standard 4 card spread and these days being the detailed anal sort that I can be I looked at quintessence and even a base card. This was done with my old stand by the Alchemy deck and though all cards showed reversed the results were positive basically telling be that I needed more confidence in my self and that success may have some delays and require a bit of a push to overcome possible stasis.
Well the worrier came out and so did the Tarot Illuminati and it gave a very positive reading almost stressing that I have what I need and should have more confidence in my capabilities.

The above was just lengthy background for the gist of the question . . .
Getting a second opinion . . .
Is this lack of confidence, or is it simply common human nature looking at something from another direction, or even just common sense using all the tools at hand?



It's human nature to doubt what we are given, and to double-check. It's really up to you to decide whether it's "wrong" for you. For me personally, it's "wrong" because according to my thinking about myself, if I don't accept the first answer I'm given then I'm showing a lack of trust and a lack of respect for Tarot. That's just me, though.


It's human nature to doubt what we are given, and to double-check. It's really up to you to decide whether it's "wrong" for you. For me personally, it's "wrong" because according to my thinking about myself, if I don't accept the first answer I'm given then I'm showing a lack of trust and a lack of respect for Tarot. That's just me, though.

And I guess this is what is in my head and got me thinking about it . . .


Personally, I don't think it's necessarily wrong. I've done it before and it helped a lot- you just need to be careful that you don't fall into the trap of using another deck... and another.... and another until you finally get the answer you wanted.


Nope. You can if you like. Nobody's gonna whip you. :joke:
But as has been said - watch out for this turning into a "hunt for the answer that you want to hear" and also this developing into you not being able to trust that the first message is appropriate - you could erode your own card reading confidence if you got stuck in a pattern of forever double checking everything.


There are cultural beliefs that it is rude to ask twice of a divination tool because it shows a distrust of the answer- however, completely cultural belief and not a set in stone practice.

Sometimes I make myself feel better by phrasing the question differently and seeing if the answer changes so I don't feel like I'm cheating on my deck.

Michael Sternbach

There are cultural beliefs that it is rude to ask twice of a divination tool because it shows a distrust of the answer- however, completely cultural belief and not a set in stone practice.

I wouldn't ask exactly the same question to the same oracle twice in a row. But I would consider another deck to be another oracle.


I think different decks give a different piece of the answer. I prefer to let one deck be the response, but I often inquire with another deck to see what additional information is out there. Any question worth asking is worth asking again. But I always consider all of their information as a whole, and I don't "pick and choose" which deck's answer I like best.

I especially like reading different style decks, so, say, I get a TdM, RWS, and playing card deck and see what each says in its own way. Like advice from a group of friends.


I do this. I will ask a question of my tarot, and sometimes then ask the same question with my oracle cards and I find that it will normally give a similar response but maybe with a different emphasis, so it can actually clarify the original reading for me and give me more to think about which I find helpful.


If you do the same reading with a different set of cards, it's not wrong but I think it's unhelpful ultimately! What happens if you get a completely different reading? Does that mean the first message is wrong and should be ignored? What happens if you get the same message? does that mean it's completely true and accurate? It's problematic how you take it next and makes things more confusing in the end! We have to trust in the readings and see if they come true. Sometimes also we feel so strongly or so emotional on an issue, it's hard to be impartial or trust it. The real risk is just rereading until you get exactly what you want to hear but that isn't tarot :(

I never read on the same topic or question for myself within a month because I feel it's too much (and I once got addicted to using tarot for every question and event in my life). If things change from the reading, then yes redo it but you have to give it some time first. You could also do a reading with two different decks and have one card from each in each position and combine / contrast them. That would be interesting to do but that is different from doing a second reading. See how things play out, that is the fun of tarot! when you get it right and have trusted the reading you feel so happy about your tarot skills :thumbsup: