Lost Zodiac


Is anyone familiar with a boxed set called the Lost Zodiac? It came with cards, a book, and a star map. I believe it was published in 1995. It was more Astrology than anything, but I was wondering if anyone tried using the cards for divination.


I think I just read it as 'birthday' sort of oracle...

...from what I remember, it talked about your birth sign, updating or shifting your sun sign to a constellation and then you found by date which of the constellations you'd assign to your birthday. It had 22 constellations.

But other than that, I could never find anything other than a coincidental numbering between 22 dates and 22 majors...nothing from what I remember said anything about the major arcana of tarot...and I've not been able to find any other use of the cards other than a background if I wanted to know some constellation names.


The book above is available from $2.00 on up. The cards were black, blue and white--oversize big and thin cardboard with a light blue graphic of a Greek-Roman deity or symbol (Orion for instance) superimposed on the background. The background was white lines drawn connecting a series of a 'stellar map' of white, hazy and milky star points or dots on a black background.

As graphics go for stellar maps, it might be artistically pleasing if you like a limited palette of colors. I think I paid less than $5 for it and the small paperback.

I think the Celestial Tarot might give more meaningful tarot assignment between constellations and dates and use the Golden Dawn derivations of astrology-to-tarot cards...

But someone more creative might find the Lost Oracle a real oracle treasure.

Best wishes.
