Which is your favourite stone?


Which is your favourite stone when reading tarot cards?
Which stone do you think helps with your readings?
I'm just starting getting into crystal stones now...and i went crazy buying $250 worth of stones!
They are amethyst, moldavite, rose quartz, tanzanite, tiffany stone, smokey and clear quartz, hermiker diamond, hematite, petalite, labradorite, angelite and aventurine!


wow! that is a lot of money on a small amount of stones!!! But it looks like you got some great ones, like the moldavite, tiffany stone, and tanzanite. would love to see pics of your budding collection! :)

I don't necessarily use crystals to read, but I have kept an amethyst point in the bag of my favorite tarot deck for many moons and jut out of habit pull out and place it on the reading cloth when I use that deck. Otherwise, I don't really worry about it.

As far as your collection, if you are looking for something to "boost" your intuitive strengths with the cards, I would say to use the moldavite (because that is totally cool to have) and/or the clear quartz.


Lots of different ones, because it depends upon my mood, but mainly a beautiful rainbow inclusion clear quartz to clear energy and a shaman quartz to help me wander with the cards, as well as a lovely grounding stone, usually a pyrite egg :)


Quartz crystal clusters. Can't have too many :).


I'm a big fan of clear quartz. It has always resonated with me since the first time I saw a photo of it as a child. I was amazed by the idea of a transparent stone.

I do, however, also keep a small Moldavite in the box with my working Tarot deck.

Le Fanu

Obsidian! I've tried others but only obsidian will do!


I have a labradorite sphere which I love to have nearby when I read. It's mostly that one, occasionally I'll use my selenite wand.


I'd lean toward the blue-indigo-violet end of the spectrum when choosing Tarot-boosting pieces (blue to enhance communication, indigo to charge up the third eye/intuition, and violet to bolster connection with the Divine...that's my reasoning, anyway). Of the stones in your collection, I'd personally choose the Amethyst or the Tanzanite first if looking for a stone to augment my powers of divination...


A big ol' smoky quartz cluster keeps me appropriately grounded.


I feel different decks require different crystals.
I used to use the Amethyst with my tarot decks but now that I´m working mostly with my Vampyres deck (by Ian Daniels) I keep an old ruby ring in the pouch. I sometimes wear it when I read and sometimes it´s just sitting in the pouch. However, I´m convinced that my Vampyres prefer rubies :p