Doreen Virtue - positive or just too fluffy?


Magical unicorns

Has any of the forum got dorrens deck Magical unicorns if they have i was woundering what you think of them.

I think they are positive and fluffy but i love fluffy because theres a lot of saddness in the world and its nice to be fluffy once in a while.

I have all sets but some i can use on myself and others i cant use its strange.

Ive picked 2 out for me tomorrow see what you all think?

Worth waiting for.
Ive been very edgy with work and home and trying to be patience which i think my patience is going to be rewarded ive worked hard and i will get what i want.
(2) Listen to your true feelings. dont do any thing that i think is wrong dont worry if the person dont like it go with my gut.


Magical Unicorns & Magical Mermaids and Dolphins

I've got both those decks. I just recently bought them. When I first started reading about them and looking at the beautiful art I was thinking, "gosh, I really need to have those! I love the art and I love the positive sayings!"

At this time I had just lost my love partner. I was having the worst time dealing with the fact he left me and doesn't love me anymore... When they finally came in the mail I was so excited and I think I used them constantly... Asking about Jamie, if he still "really" does love me or not.

The positive answers kept coming and coming and making me feel so good it became more of a dream. After starting to realize they weren't helping the way I really wanted them too... I started looking more into them...

I really enjoy all the positive things about them! But I really need to have some negitivity... I mean everytime I asked, "Does Jamie truly love me?" I always got those positive answers... What if Jamie doesn't really love me at all like he says?

The cards are too fluffy. Still I like them. They are beautiful and yes they are good for somethings!


I have two of her decks (Mermaids and Unicorns) and yes they are fluffy and go a bit overboard on the positive side but I have adapted my readings for it. I use them to ask what can I look forward to? Usually in conjunction with a tarot or rune reading (which can be very direct and a little depressing) They can be used to give a ray of hope and light to an otherwise less than happy reading. It doesn't detract from a "negative" reading it just shows where you should be looking for light even in the darkest times.


I guess I don't see hearing things I may not like in a reading as negative . I take it as just more information and I would like as much information as possible. Even when I read with the Healing Angels Oracle deck, I use reversals though they are not mentioned in the accompanying book. This lets me know what aspects might need attending to . I don't see it as critical though, but helpful to me instead.


I'm one of those people who think that Doreen Virtue decks are oracle versions of candy floss ;) - but I have too much respect for you not to engage honestly with what you say.

faunabay said:
I love reading her books and using her oracles just for that reason. They put me in a positive mood - a positive outlook on my day/week/life/etc. Is that wrong? I don't think so - at least for me it's not at all! It's very helpful.
It's not "wrong". How could it be? We all need ways of giving ourselves a lift and fostering a positive mood. I use the poetry of Robert Frost, the operas of Mozart, books like Lord of the Rings (books and film) or His Dark Materials, decks like the Fey, a bunch of mimosa in winter, a lit candle glowing in the dark...I also use two oracle decks, the Angel Blessings and the Goddess Oracle (more below).

If you get that effect from Doreen Virtue decks, then it's good.

faunabay said:
I know alot of you want reality in your readings. Well actually I do too when I'm doing a straight reading to find out which physical direction I should be taking. But I use Doreen's decks to find out what I should be mentally concentrating on to make my life easier and flow better. When I'm focusing on something positive throughout my day it helps me feel positive - which in turn makes my life happier.
Yes, that makes perfect sense. What I don't like about them is their fluffy look. Some of the cards I've seen are just too gooey for me. I am sure there is a certain amount of snobbery in my reaction. But also, I compare them with equally uplifting decks, which I think are just better. Take the example of Healing with Angels. To me, Angel Blessings, Kimberley Marooney's Angel deck, is infinitely better. I use it in the way you describe - "what I should be mentally concentrating on to make my life easier and flow better". It has pictures of angels from European art from the Middle Ages to the 1910s; the book is well-written and does not pass over the dark side of life, but rather, presents the angels as healers of that dark side, as well as the revealers of the light. It is also inscribed in the old angeology tradition of the three book religions (without being a deck that is linked to any one religion - more a spiritual minestrone of angels), and so I feel it has more archetypal richness to it. The Goddess Oracle I find also very good for that reason (though I don't like it as much as the Angel Blessings).

faunabay said:
I totally believe that what you think about - concentrate on - is what you draw to you. So I don't want to use a deck where I could draw a "negative" card as my daily card. One day when I was still using my tarot decks to do daily readings (3 card spread) I got three 5's!! I immediately though "uh oh! wow! this is going to be some day!" Of course it was. Now with all those five's it was definitely a day of change and conflict! :D But what's to say I didn't in some way bring about some of that myself because I "knew" I was going to have a day like that?
Yes, I agree. A good positive card at the start of the day will not only help you get through that day, but will actually make you more effective, kinder, more able to do your little bit to take away the miseries of the world. It comes down to how the message is presented, and if it does take into account the shadow with the light. Having said that, the tarot still gives me some area where I might encounter a challenge, and I believe that forewarned in forearmed ;) - I just make sure I have a positive card to meet it!

I would worry for people who only used Doreen Virtue decks :eek: But I don't think that's your case. And during a hard time, or moments of blues, we all need our own version of candy floss.

However, with all that, I really truly don't think a fluffy or "all-positive" deck is an answer to sadness, misery, abused children, beaten women, tortured men, etc etc. If we're not careful, it can be way to hide our eyes from what we should be looking at - and doing something about (each in our own sphere and way). But a positive deck can give us the necessary courage we need to then look at what is ugly and not positive in the world.

There are also moments when we don't need light, we need a good shake ;) - Who do you turn to when you need a slap on the wrist? Or a good talking-to? If you are putting your head in the sand over something? - all those messages Kahlie talks about in her post. Personally, I know I need them from time to time, or the positive will just sound hollow.


I mostly use tarot, but do own and use the Virtue decks. I no longer can really regard them as an oracle, because they don't seem to act that way. I just pull one or two cards for a positive boost. In no way would I think they can be used to tackle everything.

When I moved to Ottawa three years ago it was a chaotic time for me. Changing jobs, changing cities, relatively recently divorced and having to handle the move, including selling and buying homes, myself. Stress city. I do not think that I used my tarot cards even once during that period. I used the Virtue decks constantly and their never-ending positive messages significantly helped pull me through it. I literally could not have born the added stress of negative tarot cards, though that is because I know and trust tarot.

I don't pull them out that often these days, which is likely a good stability indicator in my life.

ps thanks to your comments Helvetica, I now have and very much like Angel Blessings.


:* I was kind of waiting to see what others had to say before posting again. :)

Again it seems that most people who don't like her decks don't like them because of the "too positive, no negative" outlook. But I don't mean ONLY read with her decks to the exclusion of others.

As for the person (Dark Inquis. I think) who said they were happy they had a warning about the real estate agent showing do you know that you thinking about it didn't make it happen to a certain extent? I know this is a kind of far out there thought for some people but this is what I believe happens sometimes (at least with me). I'm not saying it definitely did but who knows.... :)

Now remember I said I don't have ONLY Doreen's decks. I do have others (the fairy ring for one and other tarot decks) I use when I want an honest, in your face answer. And I would not use Doreen's decks when I wanted or knew I needed an honest, slap me up side the head answer. LOL So why is it "bad" to have some positive decks too? -- Or why don't you want them - other than they're "too fluffy"? Are there not times when you too want an uplifting thought to focus on?

I do completely understand if people say it's the artwork they don't connect with and they use other decks to get their positive outlook when they need it. There are other decks people love that I don't like at all because I don't connect with the artwork. But I just don't understand at all why some of you don't like her decks just because they're too positive. (shrug)

And why is it "bad" that she puts out too many? Should only decks that take years and years to complete be the only ones we should use? Keep in mind I don't have all of her decks. Some I connect with and some I don't.

I'm really just trying to get people to think AND to explain it to me cause I'm confused here. LOL


OK, so this is partially why I wanted to start this thread......I think I've straightened out some things for myself. LOL

I do mostly use Doreen's decks for drawing one or two cards to focus on like Marion said she does. I really don't use them for actual readings much at all. Now I do use the Healing with the Fairies and Healing with the Angels for readings but only 3 cards from each deck and I have to use them together. They don't work for me by themselves. (shrug) But the other decks I have I just use to draw one card at a time.

I wish I knew how to quote more than one person in my reply. :( ........ But I do want to agree with what HOLMES and TemperanceAngel said before. Well said both of you. :)

And Helvetica, I see most of your points and actually agree with most too. :D Nothing's good in extreme and if you're only going to use the positive decks to bury your head in the sand you're not facing reality. The one point I don't quite get is how can any deck (tarot or fluffy oracle) help with abused children, etc. ??? I think at that point you need more help than any divination deck can give. But like you did point out - if it were me and I was going to use a deck at a point like that I would probably go for my fluffy positive deck just because I would need some happy things to focus on.

***I just really like asking questions like this to help me. It gets my thoughts straight when I read others opinions and beliefs - some I agree with and some I don't. But everyone's replies make me think - opens my eyes (and my brain LOL) to new thoughts!


faunabay said:
As for the person (sorry don't remember who it was) who said they were happy they had a warning about the landlord showing do you know that you thinking about it didn't make it happen to a certain extent? I know this is a kind of far out there thought for some people but this is what I believe happens sometimes (at least with me).

Probably because if I could control things that easily, I would be filthy rich right now. We can try to influence trends in our lives but that usually takes repeated effort and developed skills. Then one has to take into account karma, free will, and chance - all of which are involved in the other person's life too. Now,the evil real estate agent did come down with the first case of West Nile Virus in the county shortly after the incident , but I am not taking credit or blame for that. I just assume the healing angels knew what was best for keeping him away from me, lol..

faunabay said:
And why is it "bad" that she puts out too many? Should only decks that take years and years to complete be the only ones we should use?

I don't think it's always bad. But when they start to seem too similar and maybe kind of smarmy , it's a red flag for me. (Sonia Choquette is teetering on the same situation.) In another industry, it wouldn't be too concerning. But with the alleged spiritual people one can be kind of suspicious about conspicuous repetition for bucks and name recognition. I am not saying either of these ladies is disingenous or simply out for money via spirituality , because I have no way to know. I just don't care for that kind of thing and I am not too trusting about it.

One very famous author who shall remain nameless has built an empire on basically taking spiritual concepts from other authors and mainstream religions , repeating them endlessly in different ways until he gets to the end of that book , and then he starts another book and goes on a lecture tour. Lots of me, me , me, I , I , I , -- except the concepts aren't his at all and he has no original contributions to add. But, the audience doesn't seem to mind and they keep buying his recycled , drive-through junk food spirituality . Naturally, they think he's brilliant, original, insightful, and special. There's hope for everyone.

I think a lot of us are sick of buying book after book claiming to be the best, full of new information that is going to change our lives and put us on the true path -- and after we've read it we realize it's just yet another rehash of the same basic information and following the same formula as 99.9 percent of the others the publishers put out . A lot of them don't even bother to come up with new titles and just use the same ones they used on other books 10 or 20 years ago . And sometimes they will republish the same damn book from 10 years ago, put a new name on it and sell it all over again like it just came out ! So, if I am suspicious and jaded on occasion , I have good reason.


Dark Inquisitor said:
Probably because if I could control things that easily, I would be filthy rich right now. We can try to influence trends in our lives but that usually takes repeated effort and developed skills. Then one has to take into account karma, free will, and chance - all of which are involved in the other person's life too. Now,the evil real estate agent did come down with the first case of West Nile Virus in the county shortly after the incident , but I am not taking credit or blame for that. I just assume the healing angels knew what was best for keeping him away from me, lol..

I don't think it's always bad. But when they start to seem too similar and maybe kind of smarmy , it's a red flag for me. (Sonia Choquette is teetering on the same situation.) In another industry, it wouldn't be too concerning. But with the alleged spiritual people one can be kind of suspicious about conspicuous repetition for bucks and name recognition. I am not saying either of these ladies is disingenous or simply out for money via spirituality , because I have no way to know. I just don't care for that kind of thing and I am not too trusting about it.

One very famous author who shall remain nameless has built an empire on basically taking spiritual concepts from other authors and mainstream religions , repeating them endlessly in different ways until he gets to the end of that book , and then he starts another book and goes on a lecture tour. Lots of me, me , me, I , I , I , -- except the concepts aren't his at all and he has no original contributions to add. But, the audience doesn't seem to mind and they keep buying his recycled , drive-through junk food spirituality . Naturally, they think he's brilliant, original, insightful, and special. There's hope for everyone.

I think a lot of us are sick of buying book after book claiming to be the best, full of new information that is going to change our lives and put us on the true path -- and after we've read it we realize it's just yet another rehash of the same basic information and following the same formula as 99.9 percent of the others the publishers put out . A lot of them don't even bother to come up with new titles and just use the same ones they used on other books 10 or 20 years ago . And sometimes they will republish the same damn book from 10 years ago, put a new name on it and sell it all over again like it just came out ! So, if I am suspicious and jaded on occasion , I have good reason.

OK, there's a few different things here I'd like to comment on. hmmmmm.....
First of all let me say Well said! about the West Nile Virus! ROFL
But I do think some people (not you :) ) think it's harder to influence your life with your thoughts than it actually is IMO. Now don't get me wrong I don't think everything will come up roses all the time....let's get real. But I do feel we (as humans) bring alot of misery on ourselves that could be changed by a good positive outlook.

And I agree with you about the "too similiar and kind of smarmy" thought. Doreen is teetering on that edge even with me. But I don't understand you saying it wouldn't worry you if it was in another industry. Why is that? And also why can't people take what they can use and ignore the rest? Like I said before I don't use all of her decks - just the ones that I connect with.

And I also agree with you, to a certain extent, on the authors just rehashing old ideas and books already released. But I also have seen people who read about something and don't get it only to read it written by someone else in just a different manner that allows them to understand the concept.

But now we've totally gotten off the subject of just Doreen's decks. :D