Spread for spell casting

Al Si'ra

2 days ago i casted 2 spells and i'll be using this spread to see where they are going and maybe later on i can do some adjustments.. :) thanx


this is an excellent spread, i am new to doing spells as well and i can't wait to give this a try beforehand, thanks!



Interesting idea, and potentially very useful... however, it seems to favor the Wiccan belief system. What if you spellcast by other traditions? (For example, karma is not acknowledged by all magical backgrounds.)

I know a lot of spellcasters use some kind of tarot spread to determine the efficiency of any potential spells; in fact it's been suggested to me that with such a high failure rate in spellcasting as I have, that I do divinations first to determine if they will be worthwhile, yet I've never found a good divination method for that purpose.

Also, I wonder about a spread for determining who, if anyone, put a spell on you? A lot of rootworkers in the old days are said to have been able to read playing cards to tell them who cast a spell and how they did it.

Just guessing kind of wildly at such a spread -- maybe someone can test it -- would be a three card spread.


The first card would be "Who cast the spell?" and only if it turns up a King or Queen would one proceed, since only their appearance would indicate a person had been casting spells. Whether king or queen indicates the gender of the person who put down the work. (I incline to use the Pages and Knights as well, except they would seem to skew the bias towards a male as having set the work.) Then, next card is "Why did they cast it?" This could be determined almost as much by the suite as the particular card -- wands would indicate revenge or quarreling, cups love, and so on, or I ought to think. The final card would indicate how best to proceed.

Alas, I don't know how to make a card say exactly where a trick was laid or what it was!

Willow Huntermoon

I am beggining to dabble in spell casting myself, this spread will prove to be very helpful and insightful!
WolfSpirit, Thanks for sharing!

Willow Huntermoon ;)


I've used playing cards and tarot cards to cast spells.
I've never used the cards to 'divine' the outcome of a spell though. Never crossed my mind!

Well, you learn something new every day...



Speak of the past coming back ot haunt you, lol. I had completely forgotten about this.
To be honest I never use this spread now - when I do a spell (which is not often) I include it is for the best of all and harms none - and if I still want an outcome spread I would just use a few cards.

The weakness of the spell/strength of the spell cards may be useful during spellcrafting to know where to improve.


WolfSpirit said:
The weakness of the spell/strength of the spell cards may be useful during spellcrafting to know where to improve.

Indeed... I've been trying this as a 9 card (no karma card, my spellcasting tradition doesn't concern itself with that -- typical belief is that if it works, it means God approves). Today I was trying to figure out how to assemble some ingredients to ensure a play proposal gets accepted at the playhouse. I kept adding to and changing the list of potential ingredients and doing a spread for each, till it indicated the kind of outcome I wanted without much in the way of negative interference or drawbacks. One thing I had to work a bit to correct was what kept coming up as "Slander" or "Gossip" -- probably people on the committee speaking out against the play being done. Eventually I added some ingedients that seemed to get that mostly out of the equation.

Also seems to be good for figuring which spell to do if you're not designing your own, or else have a few different ones to try.


great! I'll surely be using this one a lot in the future. here's a lay out if anyone's interested:
. . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . .
. . . 7 . . . 10 . . . 8. . .
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. . . 3 . . . .1 . . . .4 . .
. . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . .


Excellent, I'm glad this spread has been resurected as I've been using multiple spreds non specific for workings to devine about them.

Good layout BTW etewis