The Princess of Disks


I've just got this deck recently and was quite amazed by the amount of detail which far surpassed any other deck I've seen so far.

While looking through the cards for the first time, the princess of disks was one of the cards that just suddenly seemed to connect with me. I can't identify it, but theres something I feel when I look at the card which is interesting since, to me, the character on the card looks quite sinister.

I've just done a spread to myself about the comning week, and this card came up reversed, as soon as I saw it I felt a chill run up my spine and I feel a special significance with this card.

The description in the little booklet doesn't say much about what this card can mean, other than its earth element and it may describe a person. I don't particullarly know anyone that fits the description so its likely to be an event.

Does anyone know what else card could mean on a deeper or practical level?


The Princess of Disks, the Earth of Earth, is you. Why else would the image so affect you? Aren't you a Virgo?


heh, I honestly, didn't think about that, I guess I was looking at everything except myself.
It makes sense since I am a Virgo and have dark hair and dark eyes. I'd usually represent myself as the knight of pentacles in other decks though.

But if the card is me, does it mean that I'm going to change?

In general terms, what would this card usually represent as an event or in event readings?


Sinner said:
heh, I honestly, didn't think about that, I guess I was looking at everything except myself.
It makes sense since I am a Virgo and have dark hair and dark eyes. I'd usually represent myself as the knight of pentacles in other decks though.

But if the card is me, does it mean that I'm going to change?

In general terms, what would this card usually represent as an event or in event readings?

First, understand that Crowley did not intend these cards to be read as upright and reversed; the significance of a particular card is modified by the cards in proximity to it - Crowley's system of Elemental Dignitities. So your question can be answered only by detailing the whole spread in which the Princess of Disks appeared.

Here's an essay by J. Karlin, Crowley's most lucid interpreter (and I say this despite the fact that he banned me from his Yahoo! Group ;)) Reconstruct your spread (all uprights) and consider it in the light of jk's essay.

You will never understand Crowley's Thoth if you rely on the deck's lwb. You don't have to believe in Crowley's ideas, but you have to understand them. Get Crowley's Book of Thoth and 777 and study them. Some here will recommend Lon Milo DuQuette's book Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot. This is just an extended lwb cribbed from Crowley's own writings. Go to the source first.


Excellent link, this is going to be incredibly helpful for me.
On topic, this card definately had a powerful effect on me, this and adjustment hit me the hardest. I actually had nightmares about this one, though.


JemCheeta said:
Excellent link, this is going to be incredibly helpful for me.
On topic, this card definately had a powerful effect on me, this and adjustment hit me the hardest. I actually had nightmares about this one, though.

Look up the esoteric title for this card. It may surprise you.


A very interesting essay, although tricky to grasp, I feel I understand a little more of what this is about.

btw, whats lwb?


hi sinner, I just love the Princess of Disks. When I first saw her I also felt a huge connection. Though I see her as powerful and beautiful in a nordic type of way, not sinister. Took me some time to see that she is pregnant, either with child, an idea or project, perhaps resolving motherhood issues (according to my Angeles Arrien book on the Thoth : The Tarot Handbook, Practical Applications Of Ancient Visual Symbols). I highly recommend this book, it is a wonderful resource. Also, I think these cards are not meant to be read reversed.

I am actually about to try and sculpt (my version of) her ( Princess od Disks) for a friend of mine who is a Capricorn. I am very excited about creating those horns! ( I just finished sculpting the Queen of Disks and man her horns are something else!) I love both of these images, heart and soul! They are my favorite people in this deck. PS lwb = little white book


thanks for telling me, I also liked the queen of disks aswell but to me the queen actually looks very very evil almost like a malignant entity, unlike the princess which just looks distinctive yet mysterious.

by the way, these elemental dignities are alot harder to interpret in practice than it looks, I just used my thoth deck for a reading the first time today, and I was having real trouble in relating all the different elements together. I suppose it needs some getting used to.

If a card is next to the same element then its dignified and an opposing element makes it ill-dignified. So what if its surrounded by the same and and opposing element at the same time, would that make it ill-dignified? and how would you determine dignity of a card surrounded by neutral elements? Are all the elements equal?

...just some of the things I was wondering :p


Sinner said:
by the way, these elemental dignities are alot harder to interpret in practice than it looks, I just used my thoth deck for a reading the first time today, and I was having real trouble in relating all the different elements together. I suppose it needs some getting used to.

If a card is next to the same element then its dignified and an opposing element makes it ill-dignified. So what if its surrounded by the same and and opposing element at the same time, would that make it ill-dignified? and how would you determine dignity of a card surrounded by neutral elements? Are all the elements equal?

To comprehend all this you have to be familiar with astrology. Nobody said understanding the Thoth deck was easy - except all those interpreters who write books dumbing it down. Learning the Thoth is quite difficult for a beginner, but if you struggle with it and persist you will learn more than just tarot; you will learn Tarot.

Understanding elements is not hard if you think of them in practical terms instead of labels. Air helps Fire burn; the more air the bigger the fire. Water quenches Fire. Air does not affect Water and vice versa. Water makes Earth fertile. Fire scorches Earth. Earth quenches Fire. Air has no effect on Earth. Get it?

In order not to be confused don't use spreads that "surround" cards. The Thoth isn't Celtic Cross friendly. Develop spreads that allow you to read each card modified by only two proximate cards. Start with simple past-present-future three card spreads and expand from there.