Problem With Daily Readings

le fey

My favorite 3-card spread in this vein is:

1. Overall energy of the day
2. Challenge (like 'what crosses' - a highlighted event or mood to be dealt with)
3. Advice/Suggested approach

So using the Tower/Chariot rx/6 of Pents example, I might read that as the energy of the day is one where things fall apart, the challenge may be that the car has troubles.... therefore the suggested approach as shown by the 6 of Pents is that I might want to carpool with someone else today. (a very specific literal interp there, but that gives the idea - you're not just freaking that something might go wrong, you're also prepping yourself to ask for assistance if needed)


emmsma said:
I am doing daily readings with my new deck (Anubis Oracle), to get myself familiar with it.

I draw a single card. I feel it gives me idea enough of what the day to come will be about. I focus on the day ahead, not really asking a specific question. Then I write down in my journal what I see - describing the card, then my impression of the card.

Then I consult the book, recording what it says the card means.

I've been doing it for a week now and I feel I am doing pretty well. My meanings are pretty on target with what the book says - not that that is how I gauge my progress, but this is the method that works for me.
me to, i draw a single card often than three cards for my daily readings.

i use my Jane Austen deck, and peek on the book for more meanings ^_^


Thank you for asking this question -- like Anna wrote, I've never really been able to connect with the mind/body/spirit spread very well... at least when it comes to practical advice with it. I really like all the alternatives for 3 card spreads posted in this thread here & am looking forward to trying them instead.

I'm not doing daily readings currently, but when I do I found that one of the things that worked best for me was to look on it as if it were my own personal horoscope for the day. I'd do that with one card or three cards with no positional set meanings.

There's times I'll do the 3 card spreads thinking of each card as being in the "advice" position & find that works well for getting the most practical advice & insight for me.


Marquise said:
Lately I been working on trying to get something more practical out of my daily draws. What I want to do is use a spread that will not only shed light on the events of the day but will also give advice on how to handle them. A 3 card spread is more then enough for this in my opinion. I been asking my rider deck "Give me insight on the events of my day today?"

I've been using Mary K Greer's three card spread from the Tarot For Yourself book. For those of you who don't know it (although you probably do) it's drawing three cards - one for body, one for mind, and one for spirit. While the past two days that I've been using this format has brought some minor syncronicities, I still don't understand how I can use a spread like this for practical daily reading in terms of the question I'm asking.

What other ways should I interpret my daily readings using the above spread, and how can I better understand both the events, and any advice given? What is a better way of phrasing a daily draw question?

Also she mentions either fanning out the cards or picking one card from three stacks. While I know this is all pretty subjective what are the advantages of each, and what are more efficient ways of using each method? I was thinking more along the lines of dividing the cards into three stacks, and then fanning out each stack. What do you think?

Thanks for all your help.

Why don't you invent your own spread to suit your needs?It could be called something like the Daily Events Spread


Position one could be called: Events (representing the day's events that are to come)

Position two could be called: Advice (representing advice on handling the day's events as they come up)


Position three could be called Insight (representing the insight or inner wisdom that you can learn from the day's events once they are over and done).

There you go, I just invented that one for you Marquise!

Just my suggestions, feel free to change this to suit your needs.

As for how many piles, or to fan the deck or not, or just generally how to choose the cards, it really doesn't matter that much. As long as you are using a method you feel comfortable with it will work well for you. The universe WANTS to give you the answers and it will cooperate with you no matter what method you choose.

In case you're curious the way I choose my cards is....after shuffling, I close my eyes and hold the deck upright in my hands and slowly go through it. When I feel the urge to stop, I know that card is part of the answer and I pull it out, out it aside and continue until all cards are chosen...But I have tried a variety of methods since starting to read and they all worked just as well. It's just a matter of finding the one you like best, imo.


Niklas Zweig


I must say I like this thread a lot because it clearly says that there is a problem with an exercise that is considered to be quite basic. Also, it is what I felt when I first tried daily readings.

I just dug again through a number of books and I found in several places the instruction to do daily readings (with single cards, at first only major arcana, later also with the suits) in order to learn how to read. Well, maybe this does work for some people, but certainly it did not work for me. And I think I have an idea as to what might be the reason for this.

The main obstacle seems to me to be not seeing the connection between card symbols and every day life. The Tower -> washing machine breaking down - that's a good example for a connection that was seen I think.

I advise to play frequently a simple game: Think of some thing, event, feeling, person and so on in your life and try to find cards that could symbolize this object or at least some aspect of it. Say: an ambulance car -> The Moon in Crowley Tarot (because there are blue lights on top of the mountains upper left and right corner). A curtain -> The High Priestess. And so on. Over and over again, every time you feel like it and have some time for it. You don't always have to be very serious or boring about it. Write it down or let it slip away into forgetfulness. It doesn't have to be entirely correct according to traditional card meanings or books. Just play with it. Use something that is in your life and link some cards to it.

Then, do it the other way around. Draw a card and think of simple things from your experience that you think are linked to this card. Some objects from the previously described game will pop up. Some others will appear. At first don't think about this as forecasting anything special. Just play a bit with it.

Now, if you want to do a daily reading, you may want to do some evaluation as well. That can only happen in the evening, so you either have to remember the cards (drawn in the morning) or the day's events. I think it's easier to remember the events, so I'd say do your daily readings in the evening and consider the ending day in retrospective. I'd also say you should use more than just one card (I think one is not enough), but then again some people might be quite comfortable doing one card readings. So, draw your cards and see if you can trace your day in them. Some connections might be obvious, others more obscure. Sometimes you'll find that the cards draw your attention to something that you might have missed without them.
You can try this game with different timeframes: Hour, Day, Week, Month. You'll propably have to use a diary if you go for the longer periods.

Finally, if you're having a lot of fun, draw the cards first (in the morning, at the beginning of the week) and try to see what your experience will be. I think you'll have to take notes about the reading to be able to evaluate this later, as otherwise things might slip your mind.

Well, this is a bit lengthy, I'm afraid. I hope it didn't bore you and if you try it, I hope you have fun. Please do tell if it is helpful.
