How do you interpret's Thoth's Devil in a reading?

Always Wondering

Studying the card, I had the sense of a kind of joyous and subversive creative masturbation, as if I were a man (I am not) and was ejaculating my creative seed all over the place, to people's horror and dismay. Not a very nice image, I grant, but it tallied with my question and i bet Crowley would approve. I don't know if taht helps you at all with your question about how to interpret the card in a reading. Obviously my association was very specific... :)

I love it.

You go, girl!:laugh:



I love it.

You go, girl!:laugh:


Haha. :D Just sayin'...

Still, I had the additional sense of 'just do it' (a bit like Nike) in all areas of one's life, instead of being afraid of what others think of you or your work... literally a card telling you to have the 'balls' to do something, grab life by the balls, and any other testicular metaphors that spring to mind... becasue *not* to live like that is a kind of castration?