The "Saints Deck"


Is anyone familiar with the "Saints Deck?" I wouldn't be asking for help if only the web sites would show a few pip or court cards; I understand that the major arcana is represented by various saints, but wondering about the artwork of the other cards. (Don't want a "number only" in the pips.) I like the Golden Tarot for the artwork, although the symbols in some cases are almost overdone - that's picky; it is a beautiful deck. Thanks. brent


I own the Saints deck. Robert Place does artwork of sublime beauty. Yes there is also art on the suit cards. I don't think you can go wrong with this deck, especially if you have an interest in saints! I'll have to say, however, that I don't often use this deck for readings. It's very specialized. Let me know if you get it and what you think.


Hi brent!

Adding to dantarot's post....just recently got the Saints in a trade (thx Myrrha!) because I am a HUGE fan of Robert M. Place's work (and have yet to get my hands on an Alchemical). As dantarot said, this deck is highly specialized and I don't see myself reading with it for others, unless the person was particularly interested in saints or Catholic history. But the artwork is nice....the Majors are IMO much more colorful than the pips. And the pips are illustrated, but in a very "sparse" way....lots of white background, not much detail. Personally, I prefer more detail, but I am sure there are others who love a simple, uncluttered look.

I think this deck is worth looking into if you are a fan of the artist or are interested in studying the saints. The accompanying book by Place is an interesting read....even though I am a *reformed Catholic* LOL....I enjoyed his writing style and look forward to reading more Place.

:) Luna

Aura Wolf

Do you mean the Tarot of the Saints or Voices of the Saints Oracle?


It is "Tarot of the Saints" I was inquiring about.
Thanks dantarot and Star Spirit for your help. A small synchronicity - this morning I found a good sampling of the cards on the web, including the pips. I like the iconic quality of the deck, but can see your point that we may need the symbols to be more transparent when doing a reading, without too much suggestion of an historic personality or heroic nameable figure. But even we who have lapsed still have a certain inescapable cast of archetypes. (And I just knew St Therese would be a member - she is The Star!) There are some good deals at Amazon on the deck and book, by the way. When I get it I will pass on my novice's impressions. Grateful for your guidance.


You're welcome...;)

Please do let us know your impressions when you get it.

:) Luna


Luna -

For your reply to my question, your wishing me well, and my inadvertent omission from my thank-you list, you will hear my synopsis.
I journeyed to Cassadaga, FL in January to visit the Universal Center to find out what I could about a crystal ball my mother left me. She had some other items that I was frankly afraid of and gave away, but the crystal intrigued me. I met a very pleasant medium who studied the crystal but seemed to be stymied by something, so she recommended I take it to the lady cashier and have her look at it. She then proceeded to give me a Tarot reading that I had no idea I was going to get. I knew absolutely nothing about the cards, so the suits and card names ("Cups, again!") she told me as she read were a total mystery. The reading was very appropriate in spite of the Saturday morning bustle around the five offices of the mediums. (I learned that my favorite dog, recently deceased, is now a spirit and is always with me.) The cashier studied the crystal for a long time. Suddenly she said "I see peacock feathers, very clearly." I turned around and saw a book on a nearby shelf entitled "Buddhist Symbols." I picked it up and opened it to a picture labeled "peacock feathers - a sign of seeking forgiveness." (Mom and I didn't get on very well in her final days.) Without a word I showed her the picture. She said, "That's it - she wants your forgiveness."
I still can't see a thing in that crystal, but I'm seeing more in the Tarot every day. I'll soon report on the spreads of the saints.


Aura Wolf

Okay, well since you meant Tarot of the Saints, these guys have got you covered :D I don't have it, I just happened to start a thread on the other one awhile ago and there was some confusion over it.


brent said:
Luna -

For your reply to my question, your wishing me well, and my inadvertent omission from my thank-you list, you will hear my synopsis.

LMAO....your "thank you" was implied, nonetheless! ;)

I journeyed to Cassadaga, FL in January to visit the Universal Center to find out what I could about a crystal ball my mother left me. She had some other items that I was frankly afraid of and gave away, but the crystal intrigued me. I met a very pleasant medium who studied the crystal but seemed to be stymied by something, so she recommended I take it to the lady cashier and have her look at it. She then proceeded to give me a Tarot reading that I had no idea I was going to get. I knew absolutely nothing about the cards, so the suits and card names ("Cups, again!") she told me as she read were a total mystery. The reading was very appropriate in spite of the Saturday morning bustle around the five offices of the mediums. (I learned that my favorite dog, recently deceased, is now a spirit and is always with me.) The cashier studied the crystal for a long time. Suddenly she said "I see peacock feathers, very clearly." I turned around and saw a book on a nearby shelf entitled "Buddhist Symbols." I picked it up and opened it to a picture labeled "peacock feathers - a sign of seeking forgiveness." (Mom and I didn't get on very well in her final days.) Without a word I showed her the picture. She said, "That's it - she wants your forgiveness."
I still can't see a thing in that crystal, but I'm seeing more in the Tarot every day. I'll soon report on the spreads of the saints.


Wow....that is an amazing story, brent....thank you for sharing that! (actually gave me goosebumps) Tarot never ceases to amaze me....

I love hearing things like this...about how a series of seemingly unrelated events/signs all add up to something so meaningful. Your discovery of Tarot allowed you to receive a message from your mother, one which you were seeking....just from a different source!

(As a side-note....I was fascinated by the reference to peacock feathers, and that they are related to forgiveness. I hadn't heard that particular association before, but for me, I feel a strong connection with this bird, mainly because of the blue-green colors. Earth /Water....very soothing).

Nice hearing from you...and looking forward to your impressions of the Saints!

:) Luna


I have The Saints Deck, and the verdict is still out for me with it. I felt like I was really connecting with it at first, but then I did what I call a 'reaffirmation reading' with it (I never did a new deck reading) and it was really bad! The deck itself is really beautiful. I enjoyed learning about all the saints, and the book that came along with it was really helpful. I'd say go for it!