Witches Tarot


I was looking on the Llewellyn website and it seems like they added a black border to this deck (Cannon-Reed)...is this true? I had this deck at one time and it had no border. Maybe I'm late with this find, but just wanted to see if anyone knew :)

The 78th Fool

Have just had a look at the site and I see what you mean - I don't like this at all. The deck looked wonderful as it was and the introduction of a superfluous black border does nothing for the artwork. This seems to be yet another case of change for change's sake.
Chris. xx

December Fairy

I have the older deck with no borders. It looks to me like there might be more of the picture on the cards. Compare The Princess of Cups if you can. There is more of the tree above her head and more of the hand and jug to the right.


Well, this is one of the least favorite decks in my collection but I must admit, the ONLY appeal it has is that it has no borders. If they add borders to it, I fear it would disappoint.
