AT Comparative Study - A - The Sun - 19


Tarot of the Spirit


The Sun in this card is huge and radiant, it looks like a huge yellow crystal which is going white-hot. In the middle is a face looking down on two naked people in a garden full of flowers. In this card the garden wall is below the people, as though they are at the top of a tower. The male has long blonde hair, and the female has dark hair emphasising opposites as opposed to twins in some decks. Whole whole card is bright yellow/orange and the background looks like a spectrum coming from the Sun.

Initial Reactions

A card for meditation, the way the couple look at each other and the face in the Sun looks down at them with a smile gives a very serene and peaceful feeling. Well painted because by the tower image gives a sense of height and the enormity of the Sun. Instant reactions are light, warmth, sharing, happiness.


Amongst pages of description, symbolism, meditation and esoteric qualities are these words which seem apt to post; "A marriage is taking place, and is overseen by the Archangel Gabriel, the herald of good news. The marriage is exalted and takes place atop of the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life. This is the pillar of equilibrium, the pillar of mildness.... Joy reigns at the centre."