The Dreams Of Gaia Tarot

Owl Song

I've been working with Dreams of Gaia Tarot since I got it a few weeks ago.

I haven't read for other people yet, just for myself. I tend to be more of a solitary reader anyhow -- but I would read for others with this deck once I feel really "at home" with the structure and card meanings.

Dreams of Gaia Tarot has a thoughtful structure that bends the norms of traditional Tarot.

And it works beautifully.

It's sort of like the second movement of a sonata. The main Tarot theme is there but the motifs are re-arranged and re-spun into something new but always familiar. I think it's an absolutely gorgeous realization of Tarot.

It's not a plug and play deck. You probably won't get the most out of it without spending some real time getting to know its voice. But I think it's so worth it. It will be my "study deck" for this fall and I'd like to offer some readings with it in the exchange forum by the beginning of October.

I really hope you all enjoy it as much as I am.

Thank you so much, Ravynne and Blue Angel, for giving us this amazing deck!



Finally got my copy... it's definitely more of an Oracle deck than it is tarot, imo. Kind of surprised at the differences but it's really not a tarot deck at all...the meanings are very different as is the structure of the deck


Finally got my copy... it's definitely more of an Oracle deck than it is tarot, imo. Kind of surprised at the differences but it's really not a tarot deck at all...the meanings are very different as is the structure of the deck
I just got mine too - I wouldn't call it tarot - I REALLY wouldn't - yet. I may learn to. Time will tell. I HATE the titles on the majors, so far...


I just got mine too - I wouldn't call it tarot - I REALLY wouldn't - yet. I may learn to. Time will tell. I HATE the titles on the majors, so far...

I'm not crazy about the titles either, but I do like the art. I'm torn :(


I just got mine today. I was gaga for it at first...I mean really gaga. It's friggin gorgeous. I love the art of course, and I LOVE the gold gilding (I actually didn't know about any of this - I found this deck in a store and only knew it sounded vaguely familiar as having had good reviews on here). I loved how the cards are glossy and not matte (they just look more impressive that way when combined with the gilding and all the black and vibrant colors of the artwork), and I love how the cardstock isn't too thick considering it has gilding. Usually they're super stiff.

I've come down to Earth a bit for two reasons: one is that my corners are indeed a tiny bit bent - tho really it can't be THAT big a deal. I read that Blue Angel (?) - the printing co. - are replacing decks with bent corners. Regardless they'd probably straighten out over time. I didn't notice it at all at first but it does make shuffling awkward if riffle style and if having the two halves facing their usual direction when shuffling. Because groups of cards shuffle together instead of separating down to each individual card. You guys know what I mean from having trimmed your own decks! If the corners aren't 100% equal and consistent the deck will shuffle in small groups instead of individually. But if I take the two halves and shuffle in the opposite direction, oddly most of the time they shuffle fine! That's why I think the corners are doing it. And when they shuffle as they should, it's a very nice, smooth shuffle. The other issue is that I hate to admit it but I am a little annoyed that i have to learn yet another way of doing things because it's not the tarot we're all used to. I sometimes feel - having a busy life as I'm sure we all do - like my brain's about to explode if I give it ONE more thing to think about haha.

That said, here's what I'm thinking I'll do for now: because it is such a beautiful, moving deck - and because there's such an emphasis on growth and healing (which let's face it - it very well may be a better, more modern and fitting format compared to old style tarot), I'm thinking I'll use it for just myself and my own self-work (I know you guys have a term for that but I'm forgetting at the moment) and just not use it for reading for others. Note, I don't read for others beyond friends and family as I want to be super fluent and exceptional at reading, 99% of the time before ever considering charging. :)


Sharing some first impressions (have had the deck for about a week):

- The look and feel is fabulous, absolutely amazing. Even if you never ever do a reading with it, it is worth it even only for the box. By far the most beautiful mass production box/set there is.
- Card backs! Probably my most favourite card backs... ever!
- Cardstock - nice and flexible, feels even a bit leathery, shuffles well
- Art and colours are vibrant, really beautiful to look at. Can't wait to do meditation and pathworking with these. I have listed this deck as my Winter 16/17 deck (I have some oracle work planned for autumn, and this baby will chew up most of the study time, it seems).

Now, as for the changes.
The Major Arcana for me is a wheel of life, the Fool's Journey. The different cards represent the different phases and aspects of our lives, and when I'm reading, I always take into account the cards position on the wheel (e.g Lovers and Devil are basically the same card, just on different ascension levels on the wheel).

I don't mind the changes. I think they vibrate very well with the new era that we have - the old archetypes worked well in the 14th-15th century, hers vibrate with the here and now. I am particularly taken with the "influences" (Emotion, Perception etc).

I will be sharing more thoughts as I have worked with this deck a little bit more.

PS - wanted to note the most important thing. I have a very specific feel when I work with Oracle decks, very different from Tarot decks. Tarot is a huge structure, like a spiderweb where toughts get stuck into, and lives somewhere in the collective consciousness. Oracles, on the other hand, live deep within you. I get a distinct Tarot feel from this deck, and would never call it an Oracle deck.

My two cents.

Luna's Crone

which card xiv is xiv and xxiv I can't remember. If they replace my deck that would be fine but i would not give up my original.

to make cards stuck come unstuck without damage, just bend them a little like you are going to shuffle them. no problem, all my cards look great. althought i didn't notice bent corners, so probably had none.

Tarot cards have become so popular, these smaller companies handleing the more famous new artist cards and stuff can't keep up with demand so things are bound to happen.

Luna's Crone

Love my cards Ravynne, keep looking for a book to teach me how to draw them, then so i can stylize them for my own use but nah. You find somethng and the person sorta repeats the same dragon with changes. oh well. But youse is the best.


The cards I've drawn so far have been freakishly spot-on. This deck is amazing, even if it does require using the book until I get used to it.


I just wanted to flit in and say thank you to everyone who's purchased the deck, whether you love it or hate it or sit somewhere in between. I knew when I decided to deviate and create a new system that I would challenge some with my choice to call it a tarot, but it's been rather interesting to watch the discussions on this particular aspect.

So, I wanted to share my thoughts ...

For me, all decks are oracular in nature. They are all oracles. Even the tarot. We come before them with questions in both heart and mind and seek their insight and a way forward. So understand, for me, at the end of the day, there is no real difference except that an oracle is often theme specific and freeform in nature. Except for one or two decks I am aware of, there are few that have any structure or order to them. The Dreams of Gaia Tarot has both. Oracles are not possessing of a major and minor arcana. Oracles do not have suits and court cards.

So here I am, the deck creator, faced with a choice between calling it an oracle, and calling it a tarot. It's very structured nature makes it so much more than an oracle, but I agree, it's not a tarot in the traditional sense either because I have *gasps with horror* replaced all the traditional archetypes. However, it was never meant to be a traditional deck. It was, from the very beginning, meant to be a new independent system, and that was something that challenged me to terrifying degree. You see, I am bipolar, so structure and order and routine are very important to me. They keep me healthy and grounded. I embrace tradition in a lot of areas in my life because, for me, confidence comes in following rules and knowledge that is founded in tradition. Tradition and structure keep me safe when my head gets screwy.

But life is a journey forward. It's an evolving story. Nothing stays the same, and sometimes new systems emerge.

This deck is an evolution. I don't want people for one minute to believe that I believe it is a better system, but it is, if you are willing to give it the time, a potentially powerful alternative system. (Yes, one that requires a willingness to learn). There is still so much of the tarot there - the major arcana is still a journey through life. The cards look at the big picture, while the minors are still about our everyday stories. This deck is a mirror of our lives.

It is a system that is more tarot than it is not, and at the end of the day, I couldn't very well call it a taroracle now, could I? It's got the bones of the tarot at its foundation. It's got the energy and intention of the tarot at its heart. It's voice, if you are willing to hear it, is still very tarot. To me, the choice was quite simple. I went with tarot. It's one of those times in my life that my choice was so simple it was an easy one to make. And even though my choice has generated a wee bit of debate, I would not go with oracle, because it's not an oracle. I will stand both defiant and unapologetic and call it a tarot because that's what it is.

But the beautiful truth is that it CAN be read and used like an oracle too. Some see this as a negative, but again, I do not. I think it says a lot for a tool that can be used in multiple ways.

Again, this deck is not going to be for everyone. There are some who just won't be able to see beyond the changes made and embrace them because they fly in the face of traditions and learning that they honour above all else. Being somebody who understands the reasons for embracing traditions, I can accept their point of view. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand it and respect it. I think the only time I get a little reactive is when somebody criticises the deck without having any real knowledge of it because they have based their opinions what the deck is not, instead of what it is, or they have dismissed it, and criticised it, because it comes with some assembly, i.e. learning, required.

I will not apologise for not creating another clone deck. I have always said, right from the very beginning, that this deck was not going to be a traditional tarot and every time I deviated, I ran into endless obstacles. The moment I just allowed it to be what it was meant to be, everything flowed.

I also find myself looking at the criticisms offered with the awareness that the same arguments were probably made when the RWS and Thoth tarot were published. They were met with the same criticism. How do you think traditionalists would have perceived and reacted to them? There would have been many who loved them, and just as many who hated them. The tarot, when you look at the history of the tarot from beginning to present, shows that it has evolved in some really fundamental ways over time. It reveals that there is room for growth and change.

I'm not afraid of criticism, because I have seen this deck in action. I have seen it do the very thing I created it for - healing work and self-empowerment. It works. People connect with it. It's an alternative system that is meant for those who want something different or cannot connect with the older tarot options. If you are happy with traditional decks, then I am happy for you. I truly am. But the Dreams of Gaia Tarot has both place and purpose. It challenges people to own their choices completely, and that's something we need in the present.

Now, I just also want to add on the quality/production side of things that there have been a few issues. Blue Angel prides themselves on creating a quality product and stand by it, so if anyone has any issues with their deck, whether it be damaged cards or that pesky misprint, please, take a photo and send an email to BA and they will address the issue. Everything about this deck has been a learning experience for both myself and BA. It's a first tarot for both of us, so getting the balance right has been challenging, but these are all 'first edition' issues that will be resolved in the second.

I hope my words have not offended anyone. I am not questioning or challenging anyone's point of view, but simply offering a little insight and my own perspective :)

And thank you again to everyone who has purchased the deck. I am both appreciative and grateful.