Sabian Symbols 2012.


Hi Symbollers :)

In a recent discussion on the board, the topic of the Mayan Calender came up and the year 2012 - when the calender has ended. Looking over some information I came across these Symbols for the year 2012 which were on a site.

There is also another interesting date which is November 11, 2011 to December 3, 2011.

Anyone like to have a go at the interpretations?

Possibly of all the Sabian Symbols, which might garner your attention, is the symbol for the North Node (aka the “Dragon’s Head”, and which represents destiny), taken from the chart of 2012 A. D. (i.e. the end of the Mayan Calendar, and potentially the “end of Time as we know it.”)

The symbol for this most incredible of all dates is “An X-Ray Photograph.” Rudhyar interpreted this to mean, “The capacity to acquire a knowledge of the structural factors in all existence.”

He goes on to say, “The true philosopher is able to grasp and significantly evaluate what underlies all manifestations of life. His mind’s eye penetrates through the superficialities of existence and perceives the framework that gives an at least relatively permanent ‘form’ to all organized systems. Thus if the structure is weak, deformed by persistent strain, or unbalanced, the basic causes of outer disturbances and dis-ease can be discovered.

This symbol... provides the conscience of the individual who refuses to obey his society with a depth-understanding of what is wrong in the situation he faces. Beyond the powerful feeling quality of ‘peak experiences’, the mind can understand the great Principles of which they were the manifestations. This is STRUCTURAL KNOWLEDGE in contrast to existential knowledge.”

Interpreted as the end of time as we know it, implies that there may be much to learn in the ultimate “peak experience” of 2012 A.D., a time when Novelty and the TimeWave go to infinity, and the greatest changes of all human experience abruptly manifest! Similarly, another date -- based on the TimeWave theory -- is November 11, 2011 (just over 384 days prior to the perceived ending date of roughly 12-21-2012).

The Sabian Symbols (and a brief interpretation from Rudhyar) for this critical “beginning of the end” are:

Sun “A Woman Draws Away Two Dark Curtains Closing the Entrance to a Sacred Pathway -- The revelation to the human consciousness of what lies beyond dualistic knowledge. Plunge ahead into the Unknown”

Moon “A Peacock Parading on a Terrace of an Old Castle -- The personal display of inherited gifts. Consumation.”

Mercury & Venus “A Flag turns into an Eagle; the Eagle into a Chanticleer Saluting the Dawn -- The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations. (An Eagle is the first living creature to perceive the rising sun.) Annunciation”

Mars “In a Portrait, the Significant Features of a Man’s Head Are Artistically Emphasized -- The capacity to picture to oneself clearly the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation.

Jupiter “The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow -- Riches that come from linking the celestial and the earthly nature. Communion” [Jupiter always was the Santa Claus of the Zodiac!]

Saturn “A Butterfly with a Third Wing on its Left Side -- The ability to develop, for inner strengthening, new modes of response to basic life situations. Original Mutation”

Chiron “In a Crowded Marketplace, Farmers and Middlemen Display a Great Variety of Products -- The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community. (...what is stressed is the coming together, in a final experience of community, of all factors previously experienced.) Commerce”

Uranus “A Woman Just Risen from the Sea. A Seal Is Embracing Her -- Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness. Impulse to Be”

Neptune “A Butterfly Emerging from a Chrysalis -- The capacity to utterly transform the character of one’s consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon. Metamorphosis”

Pluto “Ten Logs Lie Under an Archway Leading to Darker Woods -- The need to complete any undertaking before seeking entrance to whatever is to be found beyond. Threshold”

The more complete interpretation for Pluto is perhaps worth noting. “Number 10 is a symbol of completion; it symbolizes even more the revelation of a new series of activities just ahead. [i.e. Death and Rebirth] Yet unless the concluded series is brought to some degree of fulfillment, nothing truly significant is likely to be accomplished by a restless reaching out toward the as-yet-unknown. Number 10 is a symbol of germination, but the seed (Number 9) must have matured well. No natural process can be accelerated safely beyond certain limits. It establishes a foundation for what will follow.”

It rather as if we’ll each have about three weeks (November 11, 2011 to December 3, 2011) to complete all our stuff, toss off all our baggage, and prime ourselves for the last 384 days of the TimeWave. Or we can begin to do all that shedding, right about now!

There is also a natal chart available for December the 22nd 2012 at 5am.

Also added to the Astrological aspect of the Symbols:
For the Astrologers -- we have to be fair when it comes to giving equal time between the Astronomers and Astrologers! -- 12-22-2012 is what might be called an interesting “natal chart”. Of particular note is the formation of a “Yod” (the “finger of destiny”, as highlighted in the figure). A Pluto-Saturn sextile (the “heavies” in Astrology) point the finger, so to speak, at Jupiter (the zodiacal “Santa Claus”). One esoteric branch of astrology claims that Jupiter is always highlighted at death of an individual (i.e. it’s the “good news”). One can only wonder if the same might also apply as a species-wide event. Keep in mind that the Sabian Symbols for Pluto and Saturn in this case are: “An Angel Carrying a Harp” and “A Dentist at Work.” You might want to stay tuned on this one!

Very interesting!!
What does these Symbols say to you - (as Lynda would say) :D

Elven x


WELL I have been dwelling on this for a little time, but want to see more in the symbols, but my gut feeling is there will be a shift in the energy sources we use - for some reason. A new energy. I feel it may be solar or nuclear (clean nuclear - yes we HAVE to research and find it, but it may be discovered this year or something).

BUT I will get back to this when I feel a bit better, it is worth a deep investigation..



Hi MCsea, Hi All,

Yes, I havent got back to this either yet! I would like to see a bit more of Rudhyars interpretations on this.

The date and the time most emphasised - that I can find - seems to be the 22nd of December 2012. A time was mentioned also - I think it was around 2pm. I'll have a look and see if I can post a link to a chart.
Very interesting!!

Elven x


Yea - Im not too sure about a real time, it will help with moon mercury and possibly sun placement, but the overall VIBE - I love that word.. the VIBE of it cant change that much if its the beginning of the end.. well.. Im not sure it is but the beginning of the end of the OLD and the beginning of the end part of something else... anyway again when I have some time, Ill get to it ;)

THANKS for the post though it makes me remember Im supposed to be thinking about it ;)
