Copycat Thread: PENTACLES - In Love/Relationship questions


I was inspired to post this question after reading the VERY informative thread about wands appearing in romance spreads. That was such a major help, because I've been doing relationship spreads with regards to a certain man in my life, and mostly, with the exception of Major Arcana and the odd cup card which is usually something like the 6 of cups or the page of cups, I tend to pull pentacles and wands for our relationship. I'm not really surprised, since there is a great deal of physical chemistry/activity and passion between us, but I was wondering how PENTACLES in general, from Ace to King can be interpreted in love questions. From my own reflection, I feel the King of Pentacles can be seen as attaining a level of comfort in relationships, as can the 9 of pentacles, but with a touch of independence - like both partners are so used to each other that they don't bother with holding hands in public anymore, they don't mind their sig. other hanging out with members of the opposite sex etc and that the 5 of Pentacles talks about NEED; needing love needing support, needing physical contact and lacking every single one ....but what about the rest of the Pentacle cards? Like the Page, the Knight, the 3 of Pentacles and ESPECIALLY the 6 (this card annoys me because it always seems so VAGUE to me).
Jump in anytime! :)

Lady Maria

To me, seeing a lot of pentacles come up in relationship questions, I would get the feeling of stablilty, just in general. A couple who feels rooted together- probably living together and not planning on changing that, not the jealous types, but to some, they could seem a little boring or set in their ways. (Not referring to your situation obsidian_queen, as you've got the wands as well! But just in general).

The 6 of pentacles rx has come up in a relationship reading I did where there was an imbalance in financial funds between the partners, and the querrant was feeling like he was supporting his partner too much financially.

And the 3 has come up for me and my husband when we were discussing a big project with another couple. I get the feeling that card would indicate that the couple is already solid together and beginning to build their life together.

I'm looking forward to hearing what other's say about the court cards, as those ones seem to stump me as well!


I will give this a go

Ace of Pentacles
Finding or needing harmony and balance. Avoiding excesses of any kind. A start on something that could be of significance later down the track

Two of Pentacles
Perhaps balance as well. But I would say that it could relate to being undecided or unsure, waying up the pros and cons of staying in the relationship or leaving the relationship, or could be whether to enter the relationship in the first place

Three of Pentacles
Something greater could come out of it if the effort and hard work is put in. May also signify that some sort of relationship counselling or therapy is needed

Four of Pentacles
Keeping resources to one self, whether in relation to you or the partner. Whether that means money, as in being a bit of a penny pincher of a Mr Scrooge, or whether themselves. To the second part I mean, whether they are not opening up to the partner, as in emotions or thoughts, or time and space, so to speak. To me this equates to spending time apart to pursue your own interests.

Five of Pentacles
Thinking the relationship may be suffering. Again the question of relationship counselling or therapy may be needed. Maybe some financial problems.

Six of Pentacles
Give and take in the relationship

Seven of Pentacles
Thinking that the relationship is failing, and deciding whether to stay in the relationship or having a fresh start, either with someone else or by yourself. Whatever efforts have been put into the relationship there doesn't seem to be much progress regardless of these efforts

Eight of Pentacles
Work is needed on the relationship. Perhaps signifying the beginning of the relationship. If the necessary work is invested into the relationship then it would be worthwhile, or should be.

Nine of Pentacles
Enjoying what has been accomplished in the relationship. Finding comfort in yourselves and the environment that has been established. Perhaps, may mean going on a "holiday" into a country setting.

Ten of Pentacles
Successful completion of hard work that has been invested into the relationship, a sense of accomplishment and achievement. Perhaps may indicate starting a family, hmm, maybe, not so sure. Establishing traditional values.

Page of Pentacles
I would say that this would be in relation to messages. Perhaps love letters, poetry. May indicate a relationship where one works away, in which case communication may take place in the form of e-mail.

Knight of Pentacles
Effort and hard work needed, also an eye on detail. May indicate criticism, nitpicking, nagging and other negative things associated to this and Virgo. Wanting the perfect relationship, and probably working on it, or maybe it is the perfect relationship

Queen of Pentacles
Richness, abundance and fertility. May indicate generosity, kindness, gentleness and sensuality

King of Pentacles
Perhaps lethargy. The desire to make sure that the environment is comfortable and rich with material objects. May have great taste in wine and all the other finer things in life.

That's all I can come up with, perhaps someone else can help



bec those were some great interpretations; you too Lady! I'm itching to see what other takes on this there are.


This is a great idea, maybe we should think about doing one for swords as well, since wands and pentacles has been done already. I would also be interested in what others would have to say in response to this as well.


PS I have started one for Swords


Wow! this is a great idea, please post more :eek:)

I recently did a relationship spread for my sister (which was posted in the forum) and for the outcome/possible future element of the relationship, she pulled the Page of Pentacles.

This threw me a bit as I always thought of Pages as representing children (as well as 'messages') and then thought maybe it's saying there is an element of 'youthfulness' about the relationship - which made sense as they've only been together a few months.

I found it very insightful that this Page could represent a relationship where one works away,as her lover has a high risk job that often requires him to go abroad at a moments notice; that then makes communication by other means (phone/email/letter) of great importance!.

Thanks for posting's been a little ray of insight for me :eek:)

Looking forward to seeing the take on the swords cards.



Sorry, I forgot to ask the whereabouts of the thread on the wands cards thats in 'romance spreads'.
I've done a search but can't find it so far!.

I'd appreciate a helping hand :eek:)




fourofswords said:
Sorry, I forgot to ask the whereabouts of the thread on the wands cards thats in 'romance spreads'.
I've done a search but can't find it so far!.

I'd appreciate a helping hand :eek:)


It is in this section, you should be able to find it somewhere. You may have to go back a few pages. Also, there has been one done on the swords, in case you haven't seen that.


PS I will put the links here for you, it will help
this one is for the wands
and this one is for the swords


In addtion to Bec's great interpretations I would like to add that court cards used as significators might give us a clue of different degrees of commitment or maturity in the relationship.

For example: one woman gets a queen as a significator, so I would expect to see her lover to appear as a King during the reading, a couple of times I've seen Pages instead of Kings, those Pages were an indication that the lover wasn't commited enough to the relationship or his lack of maturity was causing the relationship problems in the 1st place.


Flavio makes an excellent point--though I suppose a relationship between a queen and knight could be fun, if the queen is willing to deal with the Knight's slight immaturity in exchange for his youthful energy.

I also agree that Pentacles in a relationship would certainly indicate stablity with a focus on creature comforts. A couple that wants to have money in the bank, a house, kids, etc. Very soild and down to earth. Hard working, pragmatic--but not above appreciating beauty, art and some of the finer things in life.

Ace/Pents in a relationship would be a stroke of luck, or just that first bit of money fond (a coin on the street) which might bring the two together. A trip to the gym, even, to get started back on the road to Health.
2/Pents is the relationship in that early stage when they're both paying their share for a night out, both getting to know each other physically, both balancing work schedules against going out on dates.
3/Pents is where they work for a common future--I know one couple that opened a furnature store, the husband creating the stuff, the wife buying stock, etc.--this would be the stage where the guy was making pieces for that store, the wife was setting things up...Couples do that; One will work at a job to put the other through medical school, that sort of thing. This is that stage.

Four Pents--as pointed out, this could mean that one of the partners want to hord the money and the other does not. In a good light, it might be that both are hording the money, afraid to spend it, and the relationship might be suffering without them even knowing it because they use any to treat themselves. It may also indicate one partner holding on to the other too tightly. This card raises warning flags--it can indicate a partner who doesn't want the other to go out or have other friends.

5/Pents--ah the dreaded 5/Pents. Financial problems and this will strain the relationship. Hard times. Might also indicate that one of the partners is going through a low physical time and the other partner is feeling that strain.
6/Pents--outside assistance, a gift, a lottery win. In the relationship there is generosity. The sort of relationship where one partner (maybe both) likes spoiling the other with lavish gifts.

7/Pents: This is a time of waiting. Perhaps trying for or waiting for a kid or a new home. The pair want to move on or up--but it's taking time and impatience may strain the relationship.
8/Pents: This could indicate a new start for the pair--a card one might get from a man or woman who has divorsed or been widowed and is starting over again; or a couple who had their home and kids and such--and now the kids are gone and they want to do something different. They're trying their hand at something new, a new line of work, a new home, a new way to relate.
9/Pents: Could indicate a retired couple, or one who is happy living on the comfortable but modest income that they have thanks to the money they made in good times. A physical relationship where the two give each other back rubs, work out in the garden, take nature walks.

10/Pents: A couple who have achieved all they ever worked for--home, family, wealth--enough so that they can spread it wider; create a fund for the college education of grand kids or put a wing on a hospital. A lasting legacy.

Page: Messages are physical--"Action speaks louder than words"--this page would never say, or write when he could DO. He's the boy with a paper route, the kid willing to do chores for extra money that he can put in his piggy bank. He builds his own clubhouse.

Knight: the most serious of the Knights, he's more likely to get a job than go to college--more likely to put himself through college working at a job, come to that. As said, he does want things a certain way--overly organized. In a relationship, could indicate too much of a focus on work or health.

Queen: A woman with taste. Appreciation for beautiful things--with a wisdom for investment and earning money. This is a woman who's not afraid to spend as well as save. Very generous. Knows how to create a beautiful home--and knows how to dress and look conservatively rich herself. Likes the outdoors, excersize and gardening. Traditional.

King: Traditional, conservative, but generous; he has favorite charities and organizations that he gives to regularly. A man of few words, he's likely to give money or gifts to show appreciation. He has worked hard all his life and expects others to do the same; appreciates the rich things in life--but conservative things, elegant thing. He will not try anything radical or new; he doesn't like being embarrassed, and as wealthy as he might be, he hates feeling cheated or that he's been overcharged. He wants home and family to be tasteful, respectable. He dresses well, is on time, neat and organized.

In a relationship, the King could indicate great physical comfort (nice home, money in the bank, etc.) but little flexablity; a life too structured.